Android Question How to check username and decrypted password in the login form?


Active Member
Hi all,
There is a one registration page and one login page.
In registration page, the user enter the data, especially when user enter the password, The password should be encrypt using some encrypt key and store in the local database(SQLite).
In login page, while the user enter the password, The password should be decrypt from the local database and check the username and password. If the the username and password is correct the user will allowed to the main menu. This is the concept.
I checked encryption and decryption function, It works perfectly.
But I don't know how to check the user entered password and the decrypted password is same using sql query.

Sub Encrypt(as_str As String) As String
End Sub

Insert into sqlite table : (works)
    Dim ls_sql As String
        ls_sql = "insert into table_name(mobileregistrationpk,fullname,mobilenumber,password,mobilename,regstatus) values ('"& Main.ge_cIniFile.UUIDv4 &"','"& is_fullname.Text &"','"& is_mobilenumber.Text &"','"& Main.ge_cIniFile.Encrypt(is_password.Text) &"','"& ilbl_mobilename.Text &"','"& "M" &"') "
        ToastMessageShow("Clients Information has been saved",False)

Sub Decrypt(as_str As String) As String
End Sub

These query is incorrect:
    Dim cursor As Cursor
    cursor = Main.gs_sql.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE mobilenumber = '" & is_mobilenumber.Text & "' AND password = '" & is_password.Text & "'")
     If cursor.RowCount > 0 Then
        ToastMessageShow("Login successful",False)
        ToastMessageShow("Login failure",False)
    End If

Anybody help?



B4X founder
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You shouldn't continue before you fix this code. Writing queries like this is really not acceptable.

Point #4:
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Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Do not store the password encrypted. Store it hashed.

Then, when you get the user's password attempt, you hash the attempted password and compare to the hash in the database. If they are the same, you are good to go. Look up "hash password" here in the forum or with your favorite search engine.
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