How can i create multiple topics to send specific messages to them please help iam just trying out this
because i have different mobile phone numbers registered and i wanted to send out specific messages to them and some times One Message to all of them please help
because i have different mobile phone numbers registered and i wanted to send out specific messages to them and some times One Message to all of them please help
Sub Service_Create
End Sub
Public Sub SubscribeToTopics
fm.SubscribeToTopic("general") 'you can subscribe to more topics
fm.SubscribeToTopic("0772433637") 'you can subscribe to more topics
End Sub
Private Sub SendMessage(Topic As String, Title As String, Body As String)
Dim Job As HttpJob
Job.Initialize("fcm", Me)
Dim m As Map = CreateMap("to": $"/topics/${Topic}"$)
Dim data As Map = CreateMap("title": Title, "body": Body)
m.Put("data": data)
Dim jg As JSONGenerator
Job.PostString("", jg.ToString)
Job.GetRequest.SetHeader("Authorization", "key=" & API_KEY)
End Sub
Sub JobDone(job As HttpJob)
If job.Success Then
End If
StopMessageLoop '<-- non ui app only
End Sub