I work on the application, which should be used by Parkinson ill people to enter their good and bad times (on and off times).
Ich have three columns in the sqlite database. In the first column the date is being saved, in the second one the time of the day. In the third the number should be saved for “good”.
I save the date with this code:
I show the data in the B4XTable and I would present them in this format:
Date: “"dd.MM.yyyy"
Time: "hh:mm"
I do not manage to show data in this format, if I set DateTime.DateFormat="dd.MM.yyyy"
Then the both columns in the db appear in the format “"dd.MM.yyyy"
If I I set DateTime.DateFormat= "hh:mm"
Then the both columns in the db appear in the format "hh:mm".
Please help me!
Here is code for loading the data:
Thanks in advance!
Ich have three columns in the sqlite database. In the first column the date is being saved, in the second one the time of the day. In the third the number should be saved for “good”.
I save the date with this code:
Saving date in Table:
Sub cmdBien_Click
Private Query As String
'Dim RowID As Int
Query = "INSERT INTO protocol ( Data,Tiempo, bien) VALUES (?,?,?)"
Dim mojDatum As Long=DateTime.Now
'Dim mojeVrijeme As Long= DateTime.Now
Starter.SQL1.ExecNonQuery2(Query,Array As Object(mojDatum,mojDatum,1))
ToastMessageShow("Guardado!", False) ' confirmation for the user
Catch LastException
MsgboxAsync ( LastException.Message,"Fehler" )
End Try
End Sub
Date: “"dd.MM.yyyy"
Time: "hh:mm"
I do not manage to show data in this format, if I set DateTime.DateFormat="dd.MM.yyyy"
Then the both columns in the db appear in the format “"dd.MM.yyyy"
If I I set DateTime.DateFormat= "hh:mm"
Then the both columns in the db appear in the format "hh:mm".
Please help me!
Here is code for loading the data:
showing date in table:
Sub Process_Globals
'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
'These variables can be accessed from all modules.
End Sub
Sub Globals
'These global variables will be redeclared each time the activity is created.
'These variables can only be accessed from this module.
'Private Button1 As Button
Private B4XTable1 As B4XTable
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
'Do not forget to load the layout file created with the visual designer. For example:
Dim DateColumn As B4XTableColumn = B4XTable1.AddColumn("Data", B4XTable1.COLUMN_TYPE_DATE)
DateColumn.Width = 90dip
Dim TimeColumn As B4XTableColumn = B4XTable1.AddColumn("Tiempo", B4XTable1.COLUMN_TYPE_DATE)
TimeColumn.Width = 90dip
Dim BienColumn As B4XTableColumn = B4XTable1.AddColumn("bien", B4XTable1.COLUMN_TYPE_NUMBERS)
BienColumn.Width = 50dip
B4XTable1.SearchField.mBase.Visible = False
Catch LastException
MsgboxAsync ( LastException.Message,"error" )
End Try
End Sub
Sub FillTable
Dim Data As List
Dim rs As ResultSet
Private Query As String
Query = "SELECT Data, Tiempo, bien from protocol "
rs = Starter.SQL1.ExecQuery(Query)
Do While rs.NextRow
Dim row(3) As Object
row(0) = rs.GetString("Data")
row(1) = DateTime.time(rs.GetString("Tiempo"))
row(2) = rs.GetInt("bien")
Catch LastException
MsgboxAsync ( LastException.Message,"Error" )
End Try
End Sub
Thanks in advance!