how to run app without device ?


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i have bought the full version of b4a and I have download it to my pc.
I want to see the app without external device.
I want to see it runninig in the emulator screen.
It is not working. why ?


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Can you explain better ?

That's a bit of a vague question.

Normally if you have the emulator running you load you code, then you just hit compile & run (under project menu), and the app should run and appear on the emulator.

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i get the message:

, pleas wait.... ImageUploadedByTapatalk1364460466.308816.jpg
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Mark Read

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it looks like you have not started the Emulator. In B4A, under Tools, Run AVD Manager, you can start an emulator. Hopefully you have created one in the manager, otherwise you will need to do this first.

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Or you can use AndroVM. You'll need virtual box from Oracle, but it connects easlily via B4A Bridge. I've got multiple emulators set up and it works REALLY well. Current versions are JellyBean. You can get one that's based on Phone or one based on Tablet (or both).

You can check it out here...

AndroVM blog | Running Android in a Virtual Machine
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If you have a real device then I recommend you to use it instead of the emulator. The Android emulator is slow and not 100% reliable.
B4A-Bridge a new way to connect to your device

If you did create an AVD (emulator instance) and it is not working then please delete the AVD and create a new one. When I use an emulator I usually pick platform level 10. Seems to be faster than the newer versions.
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hello all.

it is all new to me and i have started to learn the wonderful examples.
i have S3 and i succeed to view them running on the S3 and it is nice and good.
i will continue to try and run it on the pc emulator even if it slow.
i am going to read all your answers and try it again.
thank you all for your help.
if i still have problems i will write the details.

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i created a new avd and then i pressed start.
after that i run the app. i put the image.

then i press RUN , and this what i get:



still no screen simulator apear.
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Emulator running ?

So when you press start in avd manager do you actually see the emulator ?

Before using B4A with the emulator..first you need to have the emulator working in your computer, otherwise you will get some error.

you should get something similar to this (keyboard may not apear, depending on your setup)

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check my following two cents:
1- That you didn't chose external device.
2- That you have waited enough time for the emulator to load (sometimes it takes several minutes, so you can go ahead and get a cup of coffee) :)
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thank you all.
it is working good.
i have loaded an example app.

and now i am going to learn how to do badic apps.

at my work i am a real time programmer and i use vb6 to test my devices.

i hope that it will be easy to learn.

and again, thank you all for your help.

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I'm having the same problem

I have exactly the same problem. I describe it in more detail below:

A few days ago, I bought a full license of version 2.52 of Basic4Android after having first used the Trial version for several weeks. However, I can't get the emulator to work (neither in the Full nor the Trial version).

I am using edition 2.3 of the Beginner's Guide, last updated on 22 December 2012, and many of the actual B4A screens are different from the printouts in the document, so that may be the reason for my failure to use the emulator.

The steps I use are as follows:

1. Run Basic4Android

2. 'Tools' --> 'Run AVD Manager' which opens 'Ándroid Virtual Device Manager'

3. Click on 'New' which opens 'Create new Android Virtual Device (AVD)' screen.

4. Fill in fields:

'AVD Name' = "Emulator1"

'Device' = '10.1" WXGA (Tablet) (1280 x 800 mdpi)

Leave the remaining fields unchanged.

5. Click on 'OK' which opens a summary screen 'Android Virtual Devices Manager' screen containing 'Result of creating AVD


6. Click on 'OK' to return to 'Android Virtual Device Manager' screen. A line has been added to the list of existing Android Virtual Devices, containing the following fields:

'AVD Name' = "Emulator1"
'Target Name' = "Android 2.2"
'Platform; = "2.2"
'API Level' = "8"
'CPU/ABI' = "ARM (armeabi)"

7. Click on this line to select it and then click on the 'Start' button which opens the 'Launch options' screen.

8. Click on the 'Launch' button and a 'Starting Android emulator' progress screen is temporarilly displayed suggesting that the emulator was started.

However no emulator was displayed on the screen, as suggested by the Beginner's Guide!!!!!

9. Close this ' Android Virtual Device Manager' screen using red 'X' button returning to the Basic4android' screen.

10. Click on 'Project' --> 'Compile and Run'.

However, after the 'Installing file to device' message is finally displayed im the log list. an error message is displayed in a 'Basic4android'pop-up stating "Nodevice found Please start an emulator ...."!!!!!!

Could anybody please tell me what I am doing wrong to get the unexpected results from steps 8 and 10?

Any help would be appreciated.
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Normaly it should work.
Try to create another emulator targetting a smaller screen to see what happens.
I remember with some big screen emulators having had trouble.
Be aware that working with an emulator is very slow, especially for big screens.
The installation of an emulator is very long especially the first time.
The images are updatet in the original file which will be published soon.
The latest edition of the Beginner's Guide is 2.4 .

What Android versions, revisions of Android SDK Tools and Android SDK Platform-tools have you installed ?
I currently have the following installed:
- Android SDK Tools Rev 21.1
- Android SDK Platform-tools Rev 16.0.2
- Android 4.2.2 (API 17)
- Android 2.2 (API 8)

Best regards.
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Still can't see emulator


As it happend, I have exactly the same versions installed as you but I still can't see any emulator. I've also tried a small emulator.


I understand from your last post that you have got the emulator to work. Which tip/suggestion gave you the breakthrough?


Do I understand correctly. You recommend using a real device using B4bridge if you have one?

I'm still having trouble, although using a real device using B4bridge does work for me.
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I used the steps as discribed in the Beginner's Guide.
And can run emulators without any problem.
After launching the emulator do you get any message ?

Anyway if you have a real device it's much better and faster to use a real device.
I connect my Nexus One via USB and my Asus TF700 tablett via B4ABridge Blutooth.

Best regards.
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No error message when launching an emulator but no emulator either


I don't get an error message at the end of launching an emulatot, just, very briefly, a black window with no contents.

Since everybody tells me to be patient and wait, I have then waited about 10minutes but nothing visible happens.

The only message I get is when I try to run the program.
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... just, very briefly, a black window with no contents.
This is normal, but short after that you should get a window with the emulator showing different steps of loading.
I tried to install an emulator of 1280 x 800 x 160.
After 12 minutes the initialization was still not finished so I stopped.
I think it's the same problem as you have, the only difference is I see the emulator window.
Before that I used only emulators with small screens.
Use a real device.

Best regards.
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i will try to write the procedure in order to activate the view of smartphone simulator on pc.

run: basic4android
open a project ( i opend file that call- myfirstprogram)

then press- run avd manager

then press - manage avds under tools.

then look what i have chose:
see pic:

then press ok.
after that select what you have save:
and press start.
then press - launch.
you will get: see pic


thats the procedure.

note: yesterday i could not run this simulator.
after restart pc it works well.

i hope it will help you.

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