I'm having the same problem
I have exactly the same problem. I describe it in more detail below:
A few days ago, I bought a full license of version 2.52 of Basic4Android after having first used the Trial version for several weeks. However, I can't get the emulator to work (neither in the Full nor the Trial version).
I am using edition 2.3 of the Beginner's Guide, last updated on 22 December 2012, and many of the actual B4A screens are different from the printouts in the document, so that may be the reason for my failure to use the emulator.
The steps I use are as follows:
1. Run Basic4Android
2. 'Tools' --> 'Run AVD Manager' which opens 'Ándroid Virtual Device Manager'
3. Click on 'New' which opens 'Create new Android Virtual Device (AVD)' screen.
4. Fill in fields:
'AVD Name' = "Emulator1"
'Device' = '10.1" WXGA (Tablet) (1280 x 800 mdpi)
Leave the remaining fields unchanged.
5. Click on 'OK' which opens a summary screen 'Android Virtual Devices Manager' screen containing 'Result of creating AVD
6. Click on 'OK' to return to 'Android Virtual Device Manager' screen. A line has been added to the list of existing Android Virtual Devices, containing the following fields:
'AVD Name' = "Emulator1"
'Target Name' = "Android 2.2"
'Platform; = "2.2"
'API Level' = "8"
'CPU/ABI' = "ARM (armeabi)"
7. Click on this line to select it and then click on the 'Start' button which opens the 'Launch options' screen.
8. Click on the 'Launch' button and a 'Starting Android emulator' progress screen is temporarilly displayed suggesting that the emulator was started.
However no emulator was displayed on the screen, as suggested by the Beginner's Guide!!!!!
9. Close this ' Android Virtual Device Manager' screen using red 'X' button returning to the Basic4android' screen.
10. Click on 'Project' --> 'Compile and Run'.
However, after the 'Installing file to device' message is finally displayed im the log list. an error message is displayed in a 'Basic4android'pop-up stating "Nodevice found Please start an emulator ...."!!!!!!
Could anybody please tell me what I am doing wrong to get the unexpected results from steps 8 and 10?
Any help would be appreciated.