Bug? IDE Themes Manager: "Dark" Code Editor Theme keeps resetting to "Light" when traversing IDE Theme


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When I am choosing a different theme for the B4A IDE, I have narrowed it down to "Dark" from the Code Editor Theme panel and I have "Dark" selected. When I click on a different item in the IDE Theme panel (on the left), the Code Editor theme item (on the right) resets to Light. It should stay on "Dark". I have to keep reselecting "Dark". All of the other Code Editor Themes: "Light", "Soft", "VibrantInk" all stick (won't change). Only the "Dark" Code Editor Theme changes to "Light". This looks to be a bug. :mad:


Active Member
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Ok, thanks. In Delphi we could select our own editor background and text colors by using a color dialog. Could this possible in some future version of B4A?