iOS Question iOS8 App rejected due to black screen - no launch image - yet...

Simon Smith

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I have included both in Special and in Files (read only) every single launch image correctly as you can imagine. I only use portrait in my app.

I've put every single iOS PDF in both folders that relate to both portait and landscape. This also causes a bug - here is Appple's rejection. I kindly ask for your help. I tried it on my iPad4 iOS8 and in debug mode it is black splash then screen, in release, black screen nothing - as they say.

  • 1.0 Binary Rejected
    June 2, 2015
    2.2 Details We discovered one or more bugs in your app when reviewed on iPad running iOS 8.3 on both Wi-Fi and cellular networks. We

  • June 2, 2015 at 2:41 AM
    From Apple
    • 2.2 - Apps that exhibit bugs will be rejected
    2.2 Details

    We discovered one or more bugs in your app when reviewed on iPad running iOS 8.3 on both Wi-Fi and cellular networks.

    We found the app loads a blank black screen. A screenshot has been attached for your reference.

    The steps to reproduce are:

    1) start the app on a device
    2) the app loads a blank black screen

    Next Steps

    Please run your app on a device to identify the issue(s), then revise and resubmit your app for review.

    If we misunderstood the intended behavior of your app, please reply to this message in the Resolution Center to provide information on how these features were intended to work.

    For new apps, uninstall all previous versions of your app from a device, then install and follow the steps to reproduce the issue(s). For updates, install the new version as an update to the previous version, then follow the steps to reproduce the issue(s).

    If you have difficulty reproducing a reported issue, please try testing the workflow described in Technical Q&A QA1764: How to reproduce bugs reported against App Store submissions.

    If you have code-level questions after utilizing the above resources, you may wish to consult with Apple Developer Technical Support. When the DTS engineer follows up with you, please be ready to provide:

Simon Smith

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All files are there by default.

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Simon Smith

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Here is the new project source. I even included the Default-Portrait.png Non retina 768x1004


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Simon Smith

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"No, black all the way. File New project, set my packageid and no white launch image at all.". It is not supporting non retina ipad 4.
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Simon Smith

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1. File, New
2. File, Save - test.b4i into Reproducable folder
3. Project, Build Configurations, add my working package name
4. Run B4i Bridge on iPad4 non-retina - all IP's correct
5. Tools, Build Server, Build Release App
6. Prompted with Install. All other packages removed. Press install. It installs with your coloured icon.
7. Launch - Black Screen - then Page 1.

Nothing touched, nothing changed.


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Simon Smith

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Hi, no as asked I just did a stock standard 2 second application to test and zipped the source. Attached is the rc.dat. I can tell you, that although I can compile there is absolutely no way I could get a launch screen on an iPad4 non retina. I had to let it go without a launch. It will probably get rejected. Here is the rc.dat. Here's some interesting facts.

1. It doesn't do it in debug mode.

2. In release mode it opens the other form but as a separate entity - you have to double click the iPad and you see a black splash and the layout form despite LoadLayout being on the exact same Page1.RootPanel, but this is beyond the case of the no splash - even without doing anything its black. (No layouts - and as you said it should use the white splash templates)

3. Nevertheless, in no circumstances is a launch ever presented, debug or release. I used the exact Apple Specs.

4. I am building a Portrait app - and set it as such. Maybe it is looking for horizontal?

That's all I can say. Here is the rc.dat. It seems you can get it working but with no launch. The RC.DAT was in the exact zipped folder. It won't let me upload.
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B4X founder
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You are using a custom B4iProject-info.plist. If you open the rc.dat file with a zip tool you will see that there is additional file there named B4iProject-info2.plist.

I guess that you left the old file and renamed it. This is not good. There should be a single file.

As this is the first time we encounter a rejection because of launch images and you are using a non-standard plist file, the first thing to do is to revert to the original plist file and try again.

I now read Apple mail again and it is not clear that the problem is related to the launch images at all. Maybe your app is not creating the layout properly for some reason.

Edit: Actually I'm pretty sure that it has nothing to do with the launch images. Launch images are optional.
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Simon Smith

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Firstly I have not changed one single file other than the installation files. If an upgrade destroys a file then it has nothing to do with me. I inspected the binary and saw it was a zip file too and saw all the original stock standard files. As I said, I did:

1. File, New
2. File, Save - test.b4i into Reproducable folder
3. Project, Build Configurations, add my working package name
4. Run B4i Bridge on iPad4 non-retina - all IP's correct
5. Tools, Build Server, Build Release App
6. Prompted with Install. All other packages removed. Press install. It installs with your coloured icon.
7. Launch - Black Screen - then Page 1.

Secondly, Apple showed me a black screen, the SAME black screen that happens in YOUR APPLICATION ON THE APPSTORE.

That has nothing to do with me. You asked me to install your application and see if it does the same thing, and I did, and IT DOES.

So it is not worth posting a black picture as it is a bug in the software as proven by your own production App. You still have not advised what changed, who changed it and how it did change.

How am I using a non-standard p-list file when all I did was install B4i through your installation file. I have never touched this file in my life.

I challenge anyone to grab themselves an iPad4 non retina and try Erel's app, and then start belittling people's 25 yrs of programming knowledge.

Erel, how does your answer then not relate to the exact same issue happening ON YOUR PRODUCTION APP.

Anyone with a Galaxy Tab 4, load Erel's App, and we'll see. I am offended you treated me this way when I am effectively bug testing for you.

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I have an ipad (8.3) mini (non-retina) and my (release) app shows a black screen upon start up in both p and l. I've always thought that was standard cause it's the same on android. (My stuff is internal and doesn't need to go through apple, at least yet).

Btw b4i bridge does also but for like barely a second.
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B4X founder
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The important point is that the app rejection is not related to the launch images. If you want that your app will be approved by Apple then you need to find out why it failed to load the layout, which has nothing to do with the launch images.
All developers use the default launch images and no one was rejected because of this.

The custom plist file comes from this thread:

Can you post your Application_Start code?

Are you sure that you have compiled your project in Release mode before uploading it?
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