are there any known issues with using iStore and Apple Pay?
I ask because a customer has complained that the app they purchased is no longer considered purchased.
Every day customers buy my apps and there has never been such a case.
With this procedure, I show the customer a license key after successful purchase and save it in my database.
The customer sent me a screenshot with the license key, but it was not saved in my database. I can't explain the reason for this.
Has anyone had such a case?
are there any known issues with using iStore and Apple Pay?
I ask because a customer has complained that the app they purchased is no longer considered purchased.
Every day customers buy my apps and there has never been such a case.
With this procedure, I show the customer a license key after successful purchase and save it in my database.
The customer sent me a screenshot with the license key, but it was not saved in my database. I can't explain the reason for this.
Has anyone had such a case?
Private Sub MyStore_PurchaseCompleted (Success As Boolean, Product As Purchase)
Dim PurchaseTime As Long
Dim mp As Map
'Log("Success = " & Success)
If Success Then
If Product.IsInitialized Then
Select Product.ProductIdentifier
Case Product_1year
PurchaseTime = DateTime.Add(Product.TransactionDate,1,0,0)
Case Product_6month
PurchaseTime = DateTime.Add(Product.TransactionDate,0,6,0)
Case Product_1month
PurchaseTime = DateTime.Add(Product.TransactionDate,0,1,0)
Case Product_noad
PurchaseTime = DateTime.Add(Product.TransactionDate,20,0,0) ' 20 Jahre hinzufügen nur damit die Lizenz nie ablauft.
End Select
Dim lizenzkey As String = mAllg.GUID 'A new license key is generated here.
'A dialog box with the license key is displayed here.
Dim p As Phone
p.KeyChainPut(mAllg.GetPackageName, Product.ProductIdentifier & ";" & Product.TransactionIdentifier & ";" & Product.TransactionDate & ";" & PurchaseTime & ";" & lizenzkey)
mp = getLizenzFileMap
mAllg.MapToLizenzfile(mp, "temp.lic")
'Kunde in der Online-Datenbank speichern
CallSub3(Me, "CheckInternetConnection", IdLizenzedUser, Product.TransactionIdentifier)
End If
End If
End Sub