iOS Tutorial iStore - In App Purchases


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Yes. I solved it by using purchasecompleted instead transactionsrestores TY. !


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Do we check if the subscriptions are active woth each app start just like the non consumable items ?


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Ok Understood now. With first subscription event will b e raised and i will have to store the dates on a db for example. When the date ends if renewed event will be raised again and the app will automaticly update the dates in the database if not dates will not be updated and some features will be disabled .


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When should you initialize the store? When a button is pressed to purchase something, or at every app start?


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Due to compl
Go over that link. It answers these questions.
Specifically see the Expiration and renewal sections. The PurchaseCompleted event will be raised when the app starts if the user has renewed the subscription.


according to your answers above I would like to ask again :

-with first subscription we enter the data into a db with start end dates. LEts say its a weekly subscription. So at the en of 7 days if the subscriptions are renewed how do my app raises purchasecompleted event at startup ? Automaticly ? so that with every purchasecomplete i will update my data with new dates ?

-I go over the link you provided but could not understand testing enviroenment exactly. IS it the same we do with standard in app purchases ( with another account ) ? How can i rapidly test if subscriptions are reneewd and my app does the correct database changes without waiting 1 week for example ?

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I have read a lot before writing this message so please dont get angry with me . I tried a renewing subscription in sandbox environment. ( accelerated time , renews every 5 minutes for 6 times maximum / daily means in real : 1 week for every transaction 6 time renewing total of 42 days of total subscription ). Anyway, The first transatcion log showed : Product: weeklyfootball, date=2015/11/06 14:02:45, Transaction identifier=1000000179087652. Later i tired to run the app after 5 minutes ( which apple says that it will be renewed to simulate 1 week passed and subscription renewed ) and as you said purchasecompleted event fired automaticly with a new transaction id and date&time . Up to this point it is good. When it is automaticly fired , i can update my sql database for 1 more week for my customer. The problem is this: If the customer deletes the app on 3rd day of a subscription, if i request the restorepurchases, I get 2 transactions (1 main subscripton and 1 renewal / simulated as 1 week) which the time and date and transaciton id is the main subscription , so i cant get the info about when the subscription renewed because with each renewal it fires a new purchasecompleted event with a new transaciton id and date but when i request to restorepurchases i see 6 times of purchases of the main subscription. ( all transaciton id time , date is same ). At this point i think it is impossible to corectly enter data into a local db about expiry dates because i can only get the original subscriptions date. As I looked for this issue on some forums , I came to a solution i think.( please see: at the end of page there is a section : validating receipts with itunes. With this system i can get the expiry and start date of each receipt but it is a bit complicated for me. ( ) Is there any way i can use this or am i thinking wrong ?


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Sub MyStore_PurchaseCompleted (Success As Boolean, Product As Purchase)
   Log("Purchase completed")
   If Product.IsInitialized and Product.ProductIdentifier = "" then
   'product is purchased?
   End If
End Sub

When selling multiple IAP's is the above code the correct way to check if a specific one was purchase? Or is it better:

Sub MyStore_PurchaseCompleted (Success As Boolean, Product As Purchase)
   If Success and Product.ProductIdentifier = "" then
   'product is purchased?
   End If
End Sub


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Can a free app (created with a wildcard id) that is already on the store be turned in an app with in-app purchase options ?
Or do I have to create a new app, with a new name, that include this option ?


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You dont need to create a new app, you need a new provisions file and new certification that include inapp purchases


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Btw as i remember you cannot use a wildchart id with in app purchases, you will need to choose your app id after you check in your dev console the in app option.


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Ok, The important is that I can keep the same app name and just need to change the certificate/profile to remove the wildcard


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this new provisioning profile (step 2) what kind of profile is this?

Just an app store > distribution one?

Do I need both a development & distribution profile linked to this new app ID to be able to test it in both debug and release?
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