I will start using B4J for a commercial project. Because I believe in de future of B4J. Good work from Erel and his team. But......Someone told me:
"a .jar is a bad choiche for a commercial application, because it is very easy to de-compile it. The brainworks will be available for other developers who can copy your code into thier 'look a like' of your project. "
Is this true? Is it realy simple to de-compile to human readable sourcecode?
Are there other con's & pro's for jar vs exe?
Best regards,
I will start using B4J for a commercial project. Because I believe in de future of B4J. Good work from Erel and his team. But......Someone told me:
"a .jar is a bad choiche for a commercial application, because it is very easy to de-compile it. The brainworks will be available for other developers who can copy your code into thier 'look a like' of your project. "
Is this true? Is it realy simple to de-compile to human readable sourcecode?
Are there other con's & pro's for jar vs exe?
Best regards,
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