I've been working without any issue using jPOI to build Excel Workbooks and Sheets. Haven't found any issue with CellStyles and everything works pretty good. BUT I've encountered problems with images. The images are added to the workbook no problem, but when I place them on the sheet I can't seem to make them fall into the area specified by the rows and columns on the SetImage method for the PoiSheet Object. Am I missing something? I'm attaching a screen capture showing the issue. The image is always shown way smaller than it's original and intended size (of 11 columns and 6 rows). Thanks in advance for any help and pointers.
Best regards.
Image inserting into Excel sheet sample:
Dim workbook_Temp As PoiWorkbook
Dim sheet_Temp As PoiSheet
Dim int_ImageNumber As Int
sheet_Temp = workbook_Temp.AddSheet("Testing sheet",0)
For i = 0 To 10
Dim row_Temp As PoiRow = sheet_Temp.CreateRow(i)
For j = 0 To 10
Dim cell_Temp As PoiCell = row_Temp.CreateCellString(j,"")
Best regards.