Share My Creation Kaleida - draw with mirrors

I'm happy to release Kaleida, a simple (and hopefully fun) draw-with-mirrors app.

Kaleida lets you draw with shapes and colors and see your strokes reflected in mirrors - horizontal, vertical, diagonal, or all of them together!

- Pick neon lines or flowers to draw with.
- Choose a single color, a random color, or a continuous rainbow of colors.
- Make a mistake? No worries, just click Undo.
- Draw against a white or black background.
- If you need to keep a youngster (or oldster) entertained, Happy Fun mode locks the controls so they just draw, using random shapes, colors, and mirrors.
- Like your creation? Email or upload it to your favorite site.
- Completely free with NO ADS and NO IN-APP PURCHASES.

This app was developed using:
- B4A by Anywhere Software. Thanks @Erel
- Cache and Gesture Detector by @Informatix
- stdActionBarHelper by @corwin42
- Custom Toast by @margret
- Air View by @barx
- MESShareLibrary by @ssg
- Android Asset Studio (


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