B4A Library Leadbolt Ads

Hi all,

(Long post warning!)

I am going to release a new library for leadbolt.

Please use following link to register (it will help me get some referral bonusses, and it will cost you absolutely nothing):

LeadBolt Mobile Ad network- Advertise and Monetize traffic on Android and iPhones

If you thought admob was bad, and airpush was a fresh breath of air, wait till you try leadbolt!

Lets just say what I can get from leadbolt is at WORST twice what I get from admob, and at BEST so far is 6 times what I get from admob. <-- on a daily basis! (was very very close to hitting $100 in one of my days on leadbolt alone)

I am doing some fine tuning on the library and should release it within the next 24 hours.

So please show some support and love for humanity, and sign up with the link above... hehe.. you will really like the revenue generated.

LeadBolt Mobile Ad network- Advertise and Monetize traffic on Android and iPhones

To test the ads out, download one of my games, BallTapp:


It has admob, airpush and leadbolt in it.

On their site, they have a library for B4A built by them, that library adds the web type ads, something like what Millenial Media has. I have tried those and the returns are no fun at all.

Their push notifications are excellent, plus they arent as hated as airpush for some reason... overpublicity by airpush perhaps? LOL!

Do register your accounts with leadbolt and set up your ads for Notification (SDK) type.

Another good point about them is you will be assigned an accounts manager, who reply your mails and is contactable via IM. (unlike the unknown that is admob/google)

Questions or feedback welcome.

PS - Feedback is really appreciated as the other ad libraries I've released have had no responses if they work fine or not for others. :(



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Great to see you here Brian!

Any ideas when the sign up ads will be available? Airpush will be releasing theirs in less than 4 weeks time.

This competition between airpush and leadbolt is gonna be an interesting one!

Also, wish that leadbolt will also have per impression type ads like airpush does :p



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Great to see you here Brian!

Any ideas when the sign up ads will be available? Airpush will be releasing theirs in less than 4 weeks time.

This competition between airpush and leadbolt is gonna be an interesting one!

Also, wish that leadbolt will also have per impression type ads like airpush does :p


We'll actually be introducing some VERY cool new ad units within the coming weeks. I looked at the demo today and it's quite innovative. So rest assured, there will be some exciting new formats for you to explore soon.

The reason we place emphasis on performance-focused ads (non-impression) is because advertisers pay out a lot more for clicks, lead acquisitions, and app installs. There is a long way to go for an impression to effectively back out for an advertiser - which is why they prefer an action by the user and will certainly pay you more for it.

Hope that clears things up!


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Thanks for the explanation Brian...

CPA based ads were new to me, and might be new to many developers here too. But the revenue generated has indeed been awesome :D

Cheers and looking forward to the new ad formats!


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Close AD on Leadbolt

Hey guys, I am using the code below to display my Ad and it work fine. My question is how can I close the Ad screen if I want to with software?

adLeadbolt.AsynchTask = True
'set adLeadbolt.ADS_APP for app sdk ads or adLeadbolt.ADS_NOTIFICATION for notification ads
adLeadbolt.loadLeadboltAds("YOUR_SECTION_ID", adLeadbolt.ADS_APP)

Thanks for your help
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Hey guys, I am using the code below to display my Ad and it work fine. My question is how can I close the Ad screen if I want to with software?

adLeadbolt.AsynchTask = True
'set adLeadbolt.ADS_APP for app sdk ads or adLeadbolt.ADS_NOTIFICATION for notification ads
adLeadbolt.loadLeadboltAds("YOUR_SECTION_ID", adLeadbolt.ADS_APP)

Thanks for your help


I do not think there is an option to close the ad in the library. I tried re initialising the object, it did not work.


Hope you have another work around!



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Yes but the App Wall is broken (kinda) in webview, at least in my case. When I use it, it shows the apps, but webview will not pass the market:// url to the market app. Instead webview gives an invalid page error.

So unless I figure out a way to use the app wall in a webview it is useless currently. I know I could make a button that used the marketapp intent to open it that way, but that defeats the purpose of using it in any webview.

Hey folks,

Leadbolt just released a new ad format, App Wall. No SDK required, just create a new intent and load up the given URL in the browser.

Very easy to use. Another option for those who do not want in app or notification ads!

Another alternative to this (Offer Walls) is the AppBrain library here:




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Yeah, you are right about the webview.

Use this code if it is fine for you:

Dim in As Intent
in.Initialize2("http://ad.leadboltads.net/show_app_wall?section_id=xxx", 0)

This will launch your browser to show the app wall, and when clicking any items, will launch the market app.


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Hey folks,

Leadbolt just released a new ad format, App Wall. No SDK required, just create a new intent and load up the given URL in the browser.

Very easy to use. Another option for those who do not want in app or notification ads!

Another alternative to this (Offer Walls) is the AppBrain library here:



Hi All,

I see you've found our brand new App Wall feature :) Hopefully this will be a great complementary ad unit to your current campaigns, especially as it's SDK-free.

Also, for any technical inquires, please feel free to post on our new Q&A board: LeadBolt Q&A Forum The App Wall is still a fresh addition so any feedback is highly welcomed!



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I tried LeadBolt with Ad Banner (HTML) 320x50. I add Webview1 to Activity and load LeadBolt's code:

Activity.AddView(Webview1, 0,0, 320dip, 50dip)
Webview1.LoadHtml("<html><script type='text/javascript' src='http://ad.leadboltads.net/show_app_ad.js?section_id=xxxxxx'></script></html>")
Webview1.ZoomEnabled = False

But the ad doesn't fit the screen and it doesn't open web browser when I click on it. (I set Open Clicks In New Window already).

Anybody have experience with Ad Banner please help.


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Now I tried App Ad (SDK) but there're nothing to show :(


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OK, I figured out that LeadBolt requires at least 3 permissions.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE"/>

Just don't know why they didn't metion in their help?


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OK, I figured out that LeadBolt requires at least 3 permissions.

Just don't know why they didn't metion in their help?

Hi susu,

The "Help/FAQ" section in your LeadBolt account indicates these required permissions for ad serving, as well as the suggested permissions (for better targeting purposes).

If there are any additional details you need, please don't hesitate to let us know!


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I've just created two apps using leadbolt, it took me a while to realize that it didn't work on 1.6, only because that's what I normally test my apps on.

When I added the code, I compiled the app before making the manifest read-only and amending it. It put the permissions in there from the Library and saved some typing and the chance of making errors. I took out the GPS related permissions as I thought it looked a little hairy with all those permission for a free app. I may put them back once I start getting downloads to see if it makes a difference.

Now I'm waiting for downloads to start.


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good luck with the apps stevel05! I've not used the location permissions in any of my apps so far too... do give feedback on the performance...

susu, hope things are sorted out for you too!

update on their offerwall... hmm... not good :( appbrain's one performs better...


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Hi susu,

The "Help/FAQ" section in your LeadBolt account indicates these required permissions for ad serving, as well as the suggested permissions.

Oh, I don't know about it. I just read Help file included in LeadBolt B4Android library. My bad :D


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Brian, I want my app get your approval but I don't know which way is correct?
1. Update my app on Market first then give you a Market link.
2. Upload my app to my website, give you a link. When my app got your approval, I will update my app on Market.

Thank you.


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Hi susu,

I believe both methods are fine. I'd suggest the second method as that way when you publish your app, the initial download boost will help with revenue.

Good luck!


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Thank you Ssg. I used second way and my app got approval.
Do you use LeadBolt's notification ads? Is it better than Airpush?


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Hi susu,

For leadbolt, i only use notification ads. i tried the other types, but the returns were no good.

and yes, leadbolt notifications are better than airpush.

hint : you can use both airpush and leadbolt together.

hint 2: use both on demand and recurring ads with leadbolt.

wish u lotsa luck!