Sorry guys,
It looks like a trivial question, but I cannot resolve it... Please help
I have a list view in a simple layout. It is supposed to be populated by values from the database. After looping through the recordset successfully, it does not show in the layout at all as if its visible property is false. Here is the code
The resultset has 2 records and contains no nulls, and the expression thestayperiod has a value. i tried even to use AddSingleLine method with a hardcoded value... no success... What Am I missing, please help. Thanks
It looks like a trivial question, but I cannot resolve it... Please help
I have a list view in a simple layout. It is supposed to be populated by values from the database. After looping through the recordset successfully, it does not show in the layout at all as if its visible property is false. Here is the code
Dim sf1 As JdbcResultSet = Starter.RemoteSQL1.ExecQuery2("exec up_read_hotel_stay ?,?", Array(Starter.G_Company,Starter.G_PassID))
Dim theStayPeriod As String
Do While sf1.NextRow
theStayPeriod="From " & sf1.GetString("period_start") & " To " & sf1.GetString("period_end")
lstStay.AddTwoLines(sf1.GetString("hotel_name"), theStayPeriod)
The resultset has 2 records and contains no nulls, and the expression thestayperiod has a value. i tried even to use AddSingleLine method with a hardcoded value... no success... What Am I missing, please help. Thanks