code to fill the Top-images:
code to fill the images in the CLV at bottom:
The imageview in on a panel which is loaded with panel.loadlayout
The images in bottom are OK. But the image in top-horizontal-scrollview are somewhat "only a part of the image"...
I don´t know where my problem is. Any helpful tip would be appreciated
For i = 0 To NewsImages.Size-1
Dim imgtop As ImageView
imgtop.Bitmap = LoadBitmapSample(File.DirDefaultExternal,Main.pathimages&NewsImages.Get(i),110dip,130dip)
imgtop.Tag = NewsImages.Get(i)
hsv.Panel.AddView(imgtop, itemSize * i, 0, 210dip, hsv.Panel.Height)
code to fill the images in the CLV at bottom:
ImageView1.Bitmap = LoadBitmapSample(File.DirDefaultExternal,Main.pathimages&filename,110dip,130dip)
ImageView1.Tag = id
The imageview in on a panel which is loaded with panel.loadlayout
The images in bottom are OK. But the image in top-horizontal-scrollview are somewhat "only a part of the image"...
I don´t know where my problem is. Any helpful tip would be appreciated