Me keywords returns a reference to the current object instance (module or class instance).
Changing the input type of 12 EditTexts is simple:
For Each v As View In Activity.GetAllViewsRecursive
If v Is EditText Then
Dim et As EditText = v
et.InputType = ...
End If
Nice...but i mean the use of the me.xxxxx in general....i think is easier. I mean, sometimes a lot of stuff is going on so it´s difficult to remin each controller name. i takes me just a seconds to go up and down in the code to remember the names... me as a Structural programmer i always put Txtxxxxx in the textbox, lblxxxxx in the label, btnxxxxx in the button and so on. So, if i put (me.) and a Scroll pops with all the variables declare (not just the controller ones but the cursors, variables and everything for example) i think is easier... is just a tought...
I´m saying (me.) because vb6 is like that , it could be formname.xxxx the name...or anything
me.txtIntro= "Hello world"
msgbox me.txtIntro
Thank you anyways it´s a cool tip that one.
Sorry for my english
PS: You know, i think you are the fastest "Software Suppporter" that i ever see...thank you for that.