Android Question MiniSearchView with two lines for long items.


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Longtime User
I'm using Erel's miniserachview to horizontally scrolling items from a database and it works great.

There is however some of the database entries that are very long and this makes that you have to scroll a long time to get to the next entry.
What I would like to know is if there is a way to cut the entry (after a certain width) and have it displayed on two lines instead of only one.

Your help will be appreciated.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks Erel.
Could you please give an example to load BBLabel from an sqlite database.
Also the number of lines to load is more than 7000, will this method work or will it take to long to load?
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B4X founder
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Could you please give an example to load BBLabel from an sqlite database.
1. Get the text from the database.
2. Format as you need it with BBCode.
3. Set it with BBLabel.Text

Also the number of lines to load is more than 7000, will this method work or will it take to long to load?
You should never create 7000 views. Create a few views and reuse them as the user scrolls the list.
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