Music for programming


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I really like listening to music while coding. I use Spotify the most. I can find most of them there and write lists for myself. However, I slowly became familiar with all of them and I am looking for a new inspiration, the more so as I am probably preparing for several months of programming. What am i listening to? Example: Carbon Based Lifeforms, 009 Sound System, Jarre, Madis (Polish electronic music) Marek Bilinski (same as Madis), Nigel Stanford, ERA, Mike Oldfiield, Tengerine Dream. But I also like to listen to rock, pop, club: Armin, Queen, Bon Jovi, Skillet, Brother Dege, Depeche Mode, Adele, Celion Dion, Axwell etc.
Usually, I prefer rhythmic one, which won't put me to sleep completely but also won't upset me like Metal or HardRock music.
What artists, albums, types for listening to music while programming?
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Mike Oldfiield
Standing... On the edge...

Aside from that, i usually listen to more pumping music, like Kanye West ("Power" is an amazing song, but if you lke hip hop I suggest listening to his whole discography), F-777, Daft Punk, Gorillaz, AC/DC and some Touhou songs like "Night of Nights" or "U.N. Owen was her?"


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I really like listening to music while coding.
Same here, always. I listen to lots and lots of music, almost always electronic with minimal lyrics. (Because I'm stupid like that, if I hear lyrics I start thinking the lyrics instead of thinking the code... :) )

Here's some albums that I tend to return to when I focus on deep thought:

Minilogue / Animals

Minilogue / Island of If

The Field / Infinite Moment

Some uptempo is also nice sometimes:

Girl Talk / Feed the Animals <- really good if you're into mashups

And if I don't feel like picking and instead go with some Internet radio:

SomaFM / Groove Salad


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When coding on some engine, I like the "Synthesizer Greatest - Volumes 1 - 6" from Ed Starink (I'm missing Volume 7). It brings me in the zone ;)

When coding on client apps, I like more a mix of Metallica, Queen, Blink 182, Nirvana, Green Day, The Offspring, Limp Bizkit, ... to get pumped up


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When coding on some engine, I like the "Synthesizer Greatest - Volumes 1 - 6" from Ed Starink (I'm missing Volume 7). It brings me in the zone ;)

When coding on client apps, I like more a mix of Metallica, Queen, Blink 182, Nirvana, Green Day, The Offspring, Limp Bizkit, ... to get pumped up
Yeah, because it's two different mental accounts, right? :) One account for deep thought and another for let's finish this!


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I like hearing some Vangelis music (it is the composer that has created the music theme of the movie 1492) f.e. something like:

An other option is the coderadio of freeCodeCamp, I have posted in another post:

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I can't listen to music in the background. If it's good music, and I wouldn't listen to any that wasn't, I can't help dissecting the melodic and harmonic structures which stops me from concentrating on anything else.

Johan Hormaza

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I only like instrumental while programming as I find the words interfere with my flow - I use DI FM and just stream whatever channel mood im in - techno, chill, lounge, psy


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Try something different...
Considering this was one of the biggest hits of the '90s I'm not entirely sure it could be classified as "different" :)

Here's my take on "something different":

Prefuse 73 / Vocal Studies + Uprock Narratives

Two Fingers / Instrumentals