Nested CASE statement not working 100 %


Licensed User
Longtime User

When you have the following setup :

Select A

case A1

case A2

select B

case B1

case B2

end select

case A3

case else

end select

When you have A3 as condition , it will always go to the "case else" statement of the first select.

After some testing, the reason looks to be the nested case in A2, because if you place the "case A3" statement before the nested select than it works OK.

So..This works :

Select A

case A1

case A3 <---- Moved statement before next nested statement

case A2

select B

case B1

case B2

end select

case else

end select

Kind Regards,


Licensed User
Longtime User
I think I have a similar problem with nested if then elseif statements. I assume this is related since I have trouble on the 4th elseif also.
Not sure if I had a problem or not, but erel can you explain the select case bug so I can avoid it
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