No way to scroll/resize the view


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Hello Erel(and the others as well)!

The case is - testing the new Designer feature, BETA 1.9.

I added a button to the right bottom corner. With all resolutions it's visible but not with 800x1280. The problem is actually that I can't scroll the window or resize it(because my windows application pane has occupied this area). However, I think this is not the only problem.

If I use other resolutions and move the window around the Applications Pane, the button is still visible because the pane itself has some transparency.

The screenshots are self-explainatory.
They are way too big, so let's post them as URLs:

To summarize:
1) It would be nice to be able to resize the Designer window somehow. The problem is only with 800x1280 as it's very long. I am currently working on 1600x900 windows resolution.
2) to have the button "issue" investigated. If you can't reproduce it, let me know to provide additional information.

What I believe is that this is a bug. You will ask why - I am using the .Bottom property. As such, it should mean that the bottom side of the button should touch the Activity frame. What's more, all other resolutions work this way and show it correctly.

Edit: There is something new, check the following images too:
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I agree that it would be nice to have a scrollbar in the abstract designer but I won't call it a bug. Because of this "problem" there is the zoom menu where you can set the zoom level to 50%. Then you will see the complete layout.

I sometimes work on a netbook with 1024x600 resolution. Unfortunately on the netbook 50% zoom is still too big for 800x1280. So some more zoom levels or better a custom zoom level setting would be nice.


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It may not be a major problem today, but everyone will follow Apple and move to higher resolution screens.

ASUS have already said that they will have 1920x1080 screens in the next generation of Transformer 10 inch tablets.

Scrolling may be a better solution than scale. I would like to be able to create layouts for scrollviews in the editor. (You can do this now for small layouts, but not ideal for doing anything bigger than about 2 or 3 screens.)
