B4J Question non Async Single Query Result


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Hi All,

I have a problem with a Mysql query and was wondering if anyone may know how to use a 'Wait For' with a non Acync Single Result Query.
I believe my code is moving on before I get a valid result from the query so the 'If Then' is always processed.

Dim result as Int = 0
 result = Sql.ExecQuerySingleResult2("SELECT count(*) FROM trip WHERE tripDate = ? AND tripType = ?",Array As String(searchDate &"%","D"))
If result = 0 then
     do something ....
End If



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It's not going to work for non-async methods of the SQL library. You could switch to using the ExecQueryAsync method. You then have to get the result from the result set instead directly from the method. A little bit more work, but this may be worth it if you need to process the query asynchronously.
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Thank you both for your reply.

I wasn't sure if ExecQuerySingleResult was syncronus or asyncronus.

There may be a problem in the Query that I need to resolve.
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