I'm thinking of using B4J to replace my current goto programming language and re-coding all my apps which are all database driven.
So i've had a play and think i've figured out most things but could do with some advice going forward.
I currently code my suite off programs as standalones, that I then call from a main menu. I then pass parameters ( username etc ) via encrypted environment variables, this enables me to keep my runtimes compact and also limits crashes to that program only ( which makes problem solving a whole heap easier
So to the questions :
1. Can B4J set and get environment variables ?
2. Can I reduce my compiled runtime sizes - the demo i did of a single buttoned form comes in at 48mb ?
3. Can i utilise secure database connections to a MySQL / MaraiDB server. ?
4. Can DPI issues bite me on the a** or does B4J handle all that in the background ?
Any help or suggestions greatefully appreciated.
I'm thinking of using B4J to replace my current goto programming language and re-coding all my apps which are all database driven.
So i've had a play and think i've figured out most things but could do with some advice going forward.
I currently code my suite off programs as standalones, that I then call from a main menu. I then pass parameters ( username etc ) via encrypted environment variables, this enables me to keep my runtimes compact and also limits crashes to that program only ( which makes problem solving a whole heap easier
So to the questions :
1. Can B4J set and get environment variables ?
2. Can I reduce my compiled runtime sizes - the demo i did of a single buttoned form comes in at 48mb ?
3. Can i utilise secure database connections to a MySQL / MaraiDB server. ?
4. Can DPI issues bite me on the a** or does B4J handle all that in the background ?
Any help or suggestions greatefully appreciated.