I of course agree that we all need to be respectful to each other and it is better not to reply at all than to reply in a disrespectful way.
This is what I am trying to say from the beginning, if you go through all my posts.
I don't remember a single case where someone wrote a new member that programming is not for them.
As for this, I do not want to quote the exact message as the member is/are respected ones. I just gave a hint of "what it means" from the reply of the member.
Also I have read your message and in almost all you try to solve/help after you remark about [ code ] [ /code ], but there are numerous posts where a member(s) just write it as if they are trying to increase their number of posts.
The very IMPORTANT thing is lost in most experts here is that most new members, including yours truly, do not know Java. Neither are interested in learning Java. We came to B4A so that we do not have to learn Java. Also the B4A syntax may be like Basic but in fact is very related to how Java works.
When a member leaves B4A, it may not mean anything to most, but it means much more that he/she tried to walk a unknown path but instead of help he/she got instructions.
We all "Like" the message which are helpful, but we also expect respect on our query which may seem trivial to experts but has left us tearing our hairs.
So, I request all members to learn from you, how you answers and try to help even for queries which do not have any information but just error message.