One-on-one help for beginners


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I am really struggling. I've watched the videos and tried to follow the forums, but I'm still lost. I've tried asking questions on the forums, but I wind up looking foolish and not getting any answers. Is there someone I could communicate with, maybe by email, so I'm not embarrassed by the whole community seeing me flounder?


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that is a bit harsh on you. but i do understand, sometimes new tools makes you feel everything but a programmer.

I can try my best to help you. if you want send me an inbox at least to put you on track.

Peter Simpson

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What is it you are trying to accomplish @RMarra, what exactly are you stuck on???


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Well... before I even get into code issues, I'm having trouble with the documentation. I look at the documentation for the available libraries and they list the methods but don't really explain what the method does. Sometimes it obvious from the name but sometimes it's not. And when I read about a library that looks useful, I don't have it and don't know where to find it or even how to install it if I did find it.

Now for an example of what I'm stuck on. I want to show a table of simple strings, 3 columns wide and 10 rows deep. I look at the documentation and in 2012 there was a post entitled "B4A Library [Class] TableView - Supports tables of any size". It is exactly the look I'm going for. I downloaded the example and used it as a model and built the table in my code. Now I have a table and I don't know how to display it on my activity. Since the title mentions "TableView". I start reading through post and after about 5 pages worth (out of 20), my head is spinning and I still don't know what a TableView is, or if I even need it? Then I read more and I find mention of B4XTables. So I try that, but I still don't know how to show the table on the activity. This isn't the only problem I'm having, but it's pretty typical. I think this demonstrates how I am going around and around.

You can probably see why I was hesitant to post this. I look like an idiot for not being able to read documentation. I think this is an awesome product and I think I can do some good work if I could only get some traction.

Well, thanks for listening. I will keep trying until I conquer B4A. But you know... old dogs and new tricks.


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first, stick to B4xTables is the most up to date view you will find regarding this issue.


i suppose you have your ide in english.
go to:
Designer -> Open Designer

there go to:
AddView -> customView -> b4xtable

just add it there. save that layout and in the main sub of your project load it like this:


run your code.

vuala! a b4xtable!


if you get stuck, try to screenshot where you think you got stuck.


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First: We all were beginners!

Then for your TableView:
[Class] TableView - Supports tables of any size
It is an older version which was improved, the link to the updated version is in the first line in the thread.
The improved version is:
[Class] Flexible Table
The zip file in the thread contains a demo project where you can see how it can be used.

Then for B4XTable, it is a recent cross platform project, I have not yet looked deep into it.

Did you have a look at the B4X Documentation Booklets ?

And finally: The best way to get help is to ask in the forum, there are many helpful users here, even for basic questions.
And to help helpers help you, you might have a look at this thread: How to ask a question?
Or read chapter 6.3.2 How to ask a question in the forum in the B4X Getting started Booklet.
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Peter Simpson

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If I were you @RMarra, I would start off with learning how to use the basic standard views first, the basic standard views do have most of the method information fill in for you. I'm not sure what your programming skill levels are but you should start of with something simple just to get your teeth into developing using B4X, knowing how B4X works is essential and starting with the basic views is what you should really do first. Once you have your head around the basic standard views then you should move onto B4XTables which I would personally recommend or the TableView class which is also good.

Practice and learn with the basic views first before jumping head first into tables, you need to learn to walk before you try to beat 9.58 seconds :)


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so I'm not embarrassed by the whole community seeing me flounder?
Oh..Come on.
Just because you read some nasty remarks by a member asking to RTFM or search the forum or watch tutorials, you got scared ?

Look at me. I am a expert if you check the windows apps I made and read the users feedback of them (check my signature). I am expert as I have developed and maintaining the main product of our company solo. BUT I am novice in B4A and I ask questions which does makes experts here wonder if I want others to do the hard work.

And this happens in all Forums I am member of. In some I am expert and help others ; and in some I am novice and seek help.

"Do not let any nasty remark scare you in asking any question which you can not find answers to". All fingers are not same and all members are not same. Some may answer your query in haste which may make you feel bad, but keep in mind the member did try to help you by showing the path "which he/she wants you to walk".

So follow simple rules,
  1. start a new thread for each query.
  2. mark query as [solved] when you found the solution.
  3. Say thanks and like the post which helped you.
  4. Laugh off any comment which you feel "bad"
  5. And above all, do not think yourself any less than others here.
Edit: Also
  1. Post full error log/message in text preferably under [ code ] / [ /code ]
  2. Upload a small project which shows your problem.

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Longtime User
indeed... first play around with labels, buttons and try to understand how the properties/methods & events work etc...

there's also the chat were things can be explained but don't ask a question and leave after 2 minutes because you don't get an answer. ;)
I'm not staring at it 24/7 and we might be in different time zones.


Active Member
Licensed User
I am really struggling. I've watched the videos and tried to follow the forums, but I'm still lost. I've tried asking questions on the forums, but I wind up looking foolish and not getting any answers. Is there someone I could communicate with, maybe by email, so I'm not embarrassed by the whole community seeing me flounder?

I know exactly how you feel... The most common feedback you'll receive is "search the forum", "watch tutorials"... After all them researched I even bought a B4A book but the tools is mostly based on user libraries contributions, so you don't have control when support is not available or was not updated to the last release.

I gave up B4A last year after having even the way I wrote my questions questioned by forum adms... I had many expectations on the environment, but the existing documentation is barely unexistent. You'll certainly find a few good souls out there but the majority of them want you ask very specific questions, as if it was possible since you are new to the platform.

I still think in return my B4A studies, at least not to lose the investment I made, but when I re-think on the support available I refuse to take the leap.

Good luck to you.
Fernando Silveira


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I gave up B4A last year after having even the way I wrote my questions questioned by forum adms... I had many expectations on the environment, but the existing documentation is barely unexistent. You'll certainly find a few good souls out there but the majority of them want you ask very specific questions, as if it was possible since you are new to the platform.
I don't consider it a fair post. You were an active member. Many members tried to help you. Things didn't go the way you wanted as sometimes happen and you decided to leave. This is fine.
I don't see any reason for you to post here a year after you stopped developing with B4X.
You are of course welcome to come back and use B4X again.

Jorge M A

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In addition to what you have been told by the very recognized experts in the forum, I share with you what I have done to integrate myself into this fabulous community, in which I have always received answers.
a) Set a small goal, with a clear and specific objective.
b) Look in the forum for the relevant topic (in the example you put "TableView")
d) CHOOSE from the list the prefix "Tutorial".
e) Look at the most recent dates, since things in this universe of mobile development change continuously and we must adapt to them.
f) If you have any doubts, ask them in the forum, and yes, specific and clear questions should be asked, saying what you want to do, how you are doing it (show your code) and what error is preventing you from continuing.

I'm sure you'll get answers much faster than on other platforms.

Welcome and don't despair.


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I have always said... If I have a bachelor's degree it's because I am a Google search expert.

The same goes for b4x forum. If I am able to make a living out of it. It's because the 10 years (don't know the exact number) worth of information around here.

If you do not found the answer with b4x search. Look for it in Google prefixing B4x.

If you do not found your answer either way, look without the prefix, usually pages like stack over flow have a generic android answer. Unless you know Java it is not very helpful but read them and learn the concepts, with the new concepts learned research b4x forum, rince and repeat until the answer is found.

And just 2 days ago I saw Fernando's question. If remember correctly it was about content and file managers. Difficult topic as android is a b*tch on how to manage files. I urge you to look at it. You will learn a lot on how NOT to make a question and how NOT to be as a person.


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Personally, I think that, perhaps because of my way of being, given that 90% of my knowledge has been acquired in a totally self-taught way, I will never feel hurt by the impertinences that a "wise" one can write in a forum at any of my questions.
We are reaching a point, where we have very thin skin for some special things when, following a few simple steps, we will achieve our goals with these magnificent tools.
I would like to make a suggestion to all those "wise men" that answer with impertinences (we all know who they are). If your answer is not relevant, save it. Look back, when you were also an apprentice (or maybe you were born learned) and ask yourself if you would like to have been answered that way in those times.

Never give up, just take your time to assimilate knowledge and ordering thoughts, even a kick in the ass takes your further.

Best regards.


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these are general comments and not directly pointed at you...

Everything has a learning curve. It's not because you read RAD on the site that you only need an afternoon as newcomer to build your wannebe millionaire app.

Practice is what will make you good at it.

From copy paste 'coding' you won't learn much.
And requests like "I need an app that does this, that & that aswell. give me an example source" are ignored unless they end up in the jobs forum.

You better try to make it yourself and then you'll automatically see all the properties, methods etc from what you're trying to use.
When you're stuck you can fall back to the example source to see where you went wrong.

It will take time but things you did yourself will be easier to remember later and you improve yourself aswell.

When you're completely stuck ask for help or use the search as it might be an issue that someone asked help for before.

See it as riding a bicycle the first time in your life.
Some can do it after 2 attempts others needs weeks before they figured it out how to balance and padle without falling.


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Longtime User
See it as riding a bicycle the first time in your life.
Some can do it after 2 attempts others needs weeks before they figured it out how to balance and padle without falling.

The problem here is, as I have noted recently,
  1. some members spreading their hands to help you stand up again
  2. and then some pointing to the legs and say "get up yourself" or even bad "cycling is not for you"
See, this may seem trivial but one bad remark does hurt the one "who is trying to learn riding a bicycle".

I would like to make a suggestion to all those "wise men" that answer with impertinences (we all know who they are). If your answer is not relevant, save it. Look back, when you were also an apprentice (or maybe you were born learned) and ask yourself if you would like to have been answered that way in those times.

I agree and request the members to desist from reply if you just have to say,
  1. Use [ code ] [ / code ]
  2. search Forum/ Forum search is working



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or even bad "cycling is not for you"
I don't remember a single case where someone wrote a new member that programming is not for them.

I agree and request the members to desist from reply if you just have to say,
  1. Use [ code ] [ / code ]
  2. search Forum/ Forum search is working
As a member with 100,000 posts I will say:

1. It is a legitimate request to politely ask someone to use code tags. It is a simple thing to fix and it makes the question much more clear.
2. Pointing new members to the forum search is also not so dramatic. It takes time to trust the forum search and once you learn how to use it you can find answers to many of your questions.

I of course agree that we all need to be respectful to each other and it is better not to reply at all than to reply in a disrespectful way.


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I of course agree that we all need to be respectful to each other and it is better not to reply at all than to reply in a disrespectful way.

This is what I am trying to say from the beginning, if you go through all my posts.

I don't remember a single case where someone wrote a new member that programming is not for them.
As for this, I do not want to quote the exact message as the member is/are respected ones. I just gave a hint of "what it means" from the reply of the member.

Also I have read your message and in almost all you try to solve/help after you remark about [ code ] [ /code ], but there are numerous posts where a member(s) just write it as if they are trying to increase their number of posts.

The very IMPORTANT thing is lost in most experts here is that most new members, including yours truly, do not know Java. Neither are interested in learning Java. We came to B4A so that we do not have to learn Java. Also the B4A syntax may be like Basic but in fact is very related to how Java works.

When a member leaves B4A, it may not mean anything to most, but it means much more that he/she tried to walk a unknown path but instead of help he/she got instructions.

We all "Like" the message which are helpful, but we also expect respect on our query which may seem trivial to experts but has left us tearing our hairs.

So, I request all members to learn from you, how you answers and try to help even for queries which do not have any information but just error message.

