B4A Library OpenCV 3.x


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Greetings jordyCp, how to get face data to be stored in a database and match it in the future, like in an attendance machine ?


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Greetings jordyCp, how to get face data to be stored in a database and match it in the future, like in an attendance machine ?
Hi Oke,

Face Detection is just the first step for Face Recognition. The second is a bit more complicated.

Opencv 3.20 for Android (from where the B4A lib was made) includes the OpenCV 3.20 'standard' modules. It can perform face detection but not recognition, since it would need one of the 'contrib' modules (specially, the module needed for face recognition is 'face', which includes EigenFaces, FisherFaces and LBPH). May be added in the future.

As an alternative approach, once you have the set of training images (you'll need a few of them), you could perhaps try Tensorflow deep learning (see THIS wrapper lib by @moster67 ). Not an expert here, but made some tests when it was published and it's really great!


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Mr. jordiCp, how to combine OpenCV320 with TensorFlowLite, thank you.


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Hi there....working on some number detection app. I will report progress here as I go. It's working fine in Python...but when I try to write same code in B4A I have some problems, numpy first...
Can someone inspect my code?
Dim alpha As Float : alpha= 2.5
Dim threshold As Int : threshold = 37
Dim adjustment As Int : adjustment= 5
Dim iterations As Int : iterations= 1
Dim blur As Int : blur= 9
Dim mCore As OCVCore
Dim mScalarTmp As OCVScalar
mScalarTmp.Set(Array As Double(alpha,alpha))

Dim img As OCVMat:img = ROI

mCore.multiply5(img, mScalarTmp,img)
mImgProc.cvtColor(img, img, mImgProc.COLOR_BayerBG2GRAY,1)
SPECTRUM_SIZE.Set(Array As Double(blur,blur))

mImgProc.GaussianBlur(img, img, SPECTRUM_SIZE ,blur,blur, 0)
mImgProc.threshold ( img, img,threshold,mImgProc.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C, mImgProc.THRESH_BINARY)

Dim kernel_SIZE As OCVSize
kernel_SIZE.Set(Array As Double(1,1))

Dim kernel As OCVMat
kernel=mImgProc.getStructuringElement1(mImgProc.MORPH_RECT, kernel_SIZE)
mImgProc.erode1(img,img, kernel,Null, iterations)

alpha = float(2.5)
threshold = 37
adjustment = 5
iterations = 1
blur = 9

img = cv2.imread('Moje.jpg')
exposure_img = cv2.multiply( img, numpy.array( [alpha])) #problem one....B4A and numpy
gray = cv2.cvtColor(exposure_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
blurred = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, (blur, blur), 0)
thresh = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(blurred,255,cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C, cv2.THRESH_BINARY,threshold,adjustment) #problem two....no adjustment in B4A OpenCV

kernel = cv2.getStructuringElemen( cv2.MORPH_RECT, (1, 1))
eroded = cv2.erode (thresh, kernel, iterations)

#edged = cv2.Canny(gray, 30, 100)
inverse = (255 - eroded) #inverse image? bitwise_not or something else?



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A new version based on OpenCV 3.4.1 (so the thread title will be changed from OpenCV320... to OpenCV 3.X) is ready and will be released during today, after some tests.

Besides some minor bug fixes in the previous wrapper, one of the main additions is the DNN module, which allows for image classification using trained networks from other frameworks.

Here is the result of this OpenCV example ported to B4A



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hi, i try your code for face detector and return error not found file, xml and png where i can download it



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Hi JordiCP,
Great work. Tried to compile the example. But am getting this compile error.

Thanks for the great library.


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I removed them by mistake. Just updated the project in the first post with the correct files.

i got new error can not load cascade file, i have attach your cascade file in asset, any sugestion to run your code



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i got new error can not load cascade file, i have attach your cascade file in asset, any sugestion to run your code
Now solved (Facedetector8 in the first post)
The original one was a bit old and made use of a low targetSDK (14) --> raised it to 28 and made 2 small changes
  • Cascade files need to be copied to internal storage first (OpenCV can't load it directly from assets). The original example made use of File.DirRootExternal. Now changed to File.DirInternal
  • Added runtimepermission for camera


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Thanks Erel and JordiCP, able to run it with real device.
One (silly) question: Can we use the same library with B4J?


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This version is only for Android, some of the internal libs needed (specially the camera) are Android-specific.
A B4J version will come but can't say when

wang xue feng

New Member
Licensed User
This version is only for Android, some of the internal libs needed (specially the camera) are Android-specific.
A B4J version will come but can't say when
I want to complete the function of green screen button image, can it be realized? colorkey? thank you!
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