Android Question Placing images in xCustomListView from apache server using mysql logs


Licensed User
Hello, as the title indicates, I am seeing some examples of xCustomListView, but in the case of placing the images, it seems they only use the ones stored in the "File.DirAssets", I have seen the example of obtaining data from mysql and it works for me, but not I manage to put the images in the xCustomListView, does anyone have an example of this, or could Erel create a tutorial?


Licensed User
Longtime User
This tutorial should get you started ... you can adapt it to suit your specific case / scenario.

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Licensed User
That is an old tutorial. I've added this statement to make it clear:
Old and irrelevant tutorial. Many better examples, including this one:
Hello, I have not been able to adapt it using a field called "image" inside a table of my mysql database, because I want to bring the fields of the name, price, code and the image.
Erel, do you think you could create an example using mysql and these custom lists?
I have searched the forums but I have not found anything about it
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Licensed User
I can download the image but for a single imageview element, the problem it gives me is because I have to load the list with data from the database and also show the image, when I do the same in SQLite and using Listview I have no problem, just It presents me with the difficulty when wanting to use an image on a web server, still using the CustomView example


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