@Erel please remove / change page opened through "Download SDK" button of B4A SDK Manager, for the benefit of new members,

This opens below page,

which has caused problems to B4A users and may cause to new members too.
Better open our website page,

This will ensure that users get correct sdk to start with B4A.
Most seasoned members know the pitfall after years of experience of reading message on this forum, but now B4A is free, many more new developers will start using B4A and they may fall in the mistake of clicking the button, when it is available in the B4A system itself.

This opens below page,

which has caused problems to B4A users and may cause to new members too.
Which command line SDK download is better ?
Refer to https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/solved-avd-emulator-shows-blank-error-message.116021/post-725249 Clicking on "Download Android SDK Command line tools" on page https://www.b4x.com/b4a.html, downloads "sdk-tools-windows-4333796.zip" But clicking on "Download SDK" in B4A SDK...

Which command line SDK download is better ?
Refer to https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/solved-avd-emulator-shows-blank-error-message.116021/post-725249 Clicking on "Download Android SDK Command line tools" on page https://www.b4x.com/b4a.html, downloads "sdk-tools-windows-4333796.zip" But clicking on "Download SDK" in B4A SDK...

Better open our website page,

This will ensure that users get correct sdk to start with B4A.
Most seasoned members know the pitfall after years of experience of reading message on this forum, but now B4A is free, many more new developers will start using B4A and they may fall in the mistake of clicking the button, when it is available in the B4A system itself.