B4J Question Populate Table Example in Server Example tutorial


New Member
Hi, How does the Table Example in the Server Example tutorial get populated?
I created the “b4j_server” database, and the “countries” table with the 3 columns (Name, ID, Population) in MySQL.
The app loads OK, but the table contains no data.
Is there a text file that I don’t see?


New Member
You are asking about this: https://b4x.com:51041/dbutils/index.html right?

It is a SQLite db and it is populated in Main.CreateDBUtilsExampleTables
Thanks. The DBUtils example populates itself OK.

I meant the Table Example (https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/server-table-report-with-export-feature.39142/) which is part of the Server Example (using MySql), (https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/webapp-web-apps-overview.39811/).

Since the Server Example is meant to work with MySQL, I assumed this Table Example also works with MySQL.
I manually created the “b4j_server” database, and the “countries” table with the 3 columns (Name, ID, Population) in MySQL. But the table contains no data, and I don’t understand how it gets populated.
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