Android Question Problem compiling App Bundle

Eugenio Bernert

New Member
Licensed User
Hi, I'm running B4A 11.0 with JDK 1.8.0_301 in a Windows 7 SP1 PC... I have an app I want to publish in Play Store, which since August 2021 only allows App Bundle format.
I generated a private key with keytool program provided at JDK\bin directory:

keytool -genkey -dname "CN=Unknown,O=Unknown,C=Unknown" -keystore gilber.keystore -keysize 2048 -alias b4a -validity 15000 -keyalg RSA -keypass xxxxxx -storepass xxxxxx

where xxxxxx is the password of my own. I go to B4A menu "Tools -> Private Key", and select the .keystore file (gilber.keystore). Then I choose "Project -> Create App Bundle" and I get the next error:

B4A Versión: 11.00
Parseando código. (0.03s)
Java Versión: 8
Building folders structure. (0.03s)
Compilando código. (0.05s)
Compilado códigos de diseños. (0.01s)
Organizando librerías. (0.00s)
(AndroidX SDK)
Compilando los recursos (0.06s)
Enlazando los recursos (0.53s)
Compilando el código Java generado. (0.03s)
Convirtiendo byte code a dex optimizado. (3.61s)
Copiando los recursos de librerias (0.89s)
Building app bundle (2.02s)
Firmando el fichero AAB Error

jarsigner error: private key algorithm is not compatible with signature algorithm.

It seems that B4A doesn´t like RSA algorithm... but it's the algorithm that I need to successfully upload the App Bundle to Play Store... any ideas of how to solve this problem??? Or what am I doing wrong?



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Use the IDE to generate the Keystore. B4A keys are now RSA 2048 compatible
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Eugenio Bernert

New Member
Licensed User
Thanks for your reply mcqueccu, I did what you say, but I get exactly the same error:

B4A Versión: 11.00
Parseando código. (0.05s)
Java Versión: 8
Building folders structure. (0.19s)
Compilando código. (0.06s)
Compilado códigos de diseños. (0.03s)
Organizando librerías. (0.05s)
(AndroidX SDK)
Compilando los recursos (1.09s)
Enlazando los recursos (0.73s)
Compilando el código Java generado. (6.05s)
Convirtiendo byte code a dex optimizado. (29.01s)
Falló el dexer optimizado. Cambiando al dexer estandard.
Copiando los recursos de librerias (1.42s)
Building app bundle (10.41s)
Firmando el fichero AAB Error

jarsigner error: private key algorithm is not compatible with signature algorithm

Help please!

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Eugenio Bernert

New Member
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Thanks mcqueccu!!! I could create the App Bundle now, without errors!
Tomorrow I will try again to publish it on Play Store... wish me luck ?
Thanks again!!!

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