iOS Question Provisioning profile Development has ID which does not match the bundle ID project.bridge

Israel Gallegos

Licensed User
Hi, I have this error, even I delete all certificates and recreate all news even make all step by step from this tutorial.

Error: security: SecKeychainDelete: The specified keychain could not be found.

Out: Build settings from command line:
ARCHS = armv7 arm64
CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = iPhone Developer: Israel Gallegos (54USPZNJHZ)
CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR = /Users/administrator/Documents/UploadedProjects/<user id>/Payload
OTHER_CODE_SIGN_FLAGS = --keychain <user id>
PROVISIONING_PROFILE = 4bc03ceb-c997-4633-b225-faa38e8fc6d9

note: Using new build system
note: Planning build
note: Constructing build description
Build system information
error: Provisioning profile "Development" has app ID "com.panther.pantherpet", which does not match the bundle ID "com.panther.pantherpet.bridge". (in target 'B4iProject')

Build system information
error: Provisioning profile "Development" doesn't include signing certificate "iPhone Developer: Israel Gallegos (54USPZNJHZ)". (in target 'B4iProject')

Build system information
warning: Skipping duplicate build file in Copy Bundle Resources build phase: /Users/administrator/Documents/UploadedProjects/<user id>/es.lproj/InfoPlist.strings (in target 'B4iProject')

Error: ** BUILD FAILED **
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Israel Gallegos

Licensed User
The app id that you use when building B4i-Bridge must be a wildcard app id. It should be: com.panther.*
It's work the Bundle part, but to make with Wildcard option it doest'n permit to make PushNotification Certifications and throws this error:

note: Using new build system
note: Planning build
note: Constructing build description
Build system information
error: Provisioning profile "Development" doesn't support the Push Notifications capability. (in target 'B4iProject')

Build system information
error: Provisioning profile "Development" doesn't include the aps-environment entitlement. (in target 'B4iProject')
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Israel Gallegos

Licensed User
I think.I must no be clear, IF I make Provisioning profile with Wild Card, I can't Build, because throw this
error: Provisioning profile "Development" doesn't support the Push Notifications capability. (in target 'B4iProject')

If I make Provisioning profile Explicit, I can't Build because it does connected with the Bridge:
error: Provisioning profile "Development" has app ID "com.panther.pantherpet", which does not match the bundle ID "com.panther.pantherpet.bridge". (in target 'B4iProject')

I can not make from any way to work this, What can I do, thanks for your help.


  • Wildcard.png
    96 KB · Views: 464
  • NOT Wildcard.png
    NOT Wildcard.png
    107.5 KB · Views: 463
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Licensed User
Excellenttttt, IT'S WORK Fine, you are a Genius, Thank again my friend, I so happy.
Erel is great. App Store process is a pain. I had trouble with wildcard id too, kept trying until it finally worked. Not quite sure what the trick was but while everything is working right now, it is a case of let sleeping dogs lie, for I know in my heart that it will be too painful to investigate.

On the bright side: to recompile and upload an app update now is < 15 minutes, including waiting for the app-specific passwords etc.
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