Wish QR Code for PayPal donation


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi Erel,
May I suggest a simple wish that you post QR Code for donation by PayPal.. that when one scans it it will it immediately opens the donor's PayPal account and shows they "Pay" page with Anywhere Software as payee. without the hassle of logging in and all that follows. No need to put any link, just put the QR Code image anywhere on first page of the forum.


Licensed User
Longtime User
below is the main website address. www.b4x.com, but the specific URL for the payment page is of course different



Licensed User
Longtime User
I did. Now just waiting for someone to buy me a coffee to see if it works... :p

Sorry but I can't see the QR Code.. I see the regular donate button, but this also send me to the PayPal login screen when I always forget the password. with the QR Code I have the login by fingerprint. copy the button key and generate a QR Code then put the image here.. Your next Starbucks coffee visit is on me.


Licensed User
Longtime User
hahaha! Thank you so much, that was not needed. Ok, I see the nearest Starbucks is about 100km from where I live... ?

Yes I know.. otherwise it wouldn't be $5 :) and with 100km this will be the most expensive cup of coffee! just do a quick feasibility study before you drive there.