Android Question RealTime Database

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Does real-time database still work after the current Firebase library updates?
I get this error while adding the library-


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Does real-time database still work after the current Firebase library updates?
Honestly; i dont know as you are using an Old Version of the Library.

The problem is that i lost the source of this lib last year.
I did decompiled the old version and made a new one out of it.

It is "working" for me using the newest Maven Artifacts.

This is a log of my Testapp using testdata i capture just today...

*** Service (starter) Create ***
** Service (starter) Start **
** Activity (main) Create, isFirst = true **
FirebaseAuth initialized
** Activity (main) Resume **
*** Service (firebasemessaging) Create ***
** Service (firebasemessaging) Start **
(MyMap) {time=1527766009510, From=ErelClone, Message=Hi Master, Title=MyGreatSubject}
** Activity (main) Pause, UserClosed = false **
** Activity (main) Resume **
lib1:Raising.. customers_ondatachange()
(MyMap) {home_phone=NULL, address=123 9th Street, job_title=NewJobtitle, last_name=Mortensen, city=Salt Lake City, web_page=NULL, company=Company I, fax_number=(123)555-0101, business_phone=(123)555-0100, attachments=, mobile_phone=NULL, zip_postal_code=99999, state_province=UT, id=9, [email protected], notes=NULL, country_region=USA, first_name=Sven}
customers_onChildAdded(7,customers/, SizeofCustomers: 1)
(MyMap) {home_phone=NULL, address=123 10th Street, job_title=Purchasing Manager, last_name=Wacker, city=Chicago, web_page=NULL, company=Company J, fax_number=(123)555-0101, business_phone=(123)555-0100, attachments=, mobile_phone=NULL, zip_postal_code=99999, state_province=IL, id=10, email_address=NULL, notes=NULL, country_region=USA, first_name=Roland}
customers_onChildAdded(8,customers/, SizeofCustomers: 2)
(MyMap) {home_phone=NULL, address=123 11th Street, job_title=Purchasing Manager, last_name=Krschne, city=Miami, web_page=NULL, company=Company K, fax_number=(123)555-0101, business_phone=(123)555-0100, attachments=, mobile_phone=NULL, zip_postal_code=99999, state_province=FL, id=11, email_address=NULL, notes=NULL, country_region=USA, first_name=Peter}
customers_onChildAdded(9,customers/, SizeofCustomers: 3)
(MyMap) {home_phone=NULL, address=123 12th Street, job_title=Purchasing Manager, last_name=Edwards, city=Las Vegas, web_page=NULL, company=Company L, fax_number=(123)555-0101, business_phone=(123)555-0100, attachments=, mobile_phone=NULL, zip_postal_code=99999, state_province=NV, id=12, email_address=NULL, notes=NULL, country_region=USA, first_name=John}
customers_onChildAdded(10,customers/, SizeofCustomers: 4)
(MyMap) {home_phone=NULL, address=456 13th Street, job_title=Purchasing Representative, last_name=Ludick, city=Memphis, web_page=NULL, company=Company M, fax_number=(123)555-0101, business_phone=(123)555-0100, attachments=, mobile_phone=NULL, zip_postal_code=99999, state_province=TN, id=13, email_address=NULL, notes=NULL, country_region=USA, first_name=Andre}
customers_onChildAdded(11,customers/, SizeofCustomers: 5)
(MyMap) {home_phone=NULL, address=456 14th Street, job_title=Purchasing Representative, last_name=Grilo, city=Denver, web_page=NULL, company=Company N, fax_number=(123)555-0101, business_phone=(123)555-0100, attachments=, mobile_phone=NULL, zip_postal_code=99999, state_province=CO, id=14, email_address=NULL, notes=NULL, country_region=USA, first_name=Carlos}
customers_onChildAdded(12,customers/, SizeofCustomers: 6)
(MyMap) {home_phone=NULL, address=456 15th Street, job_title=Purchasing Manager, last_name=Kupkova, city=Honolulu, web_page=NULL, company=Company O, fax_number=(123)555-0101, business_phone=(123)555-0100, attachments=, mobile_phone=NULL, zip_postal_code=99999, state_province=HI, id=15, email_address=NULL, notes=NULL, country_region=USA, first_name=Helena}
customers_onChildAdded(13,customers/, SizeofCustomers: 7)
(MyMap) {home_phone=NULL, address=456 16th Street, job_title=Purchasing Representative, last_name=Goldschmidt, city=San Francisco, web_page=NULL, company=Company P, fax_number=(123)555-0101, business_phone=(123)555-0100, attachments=, mobile_phone=NULL, zip_postal_code=99999, state_province=CA, id=16, email_address=NULL, notes=NULL, country_region=USA, first_name=Daniel}
customers_onChildAdded(14,customers/, SizeofCustomers: 8)
(MyMap) {home_phone=NULL, address=456 17th Street, job_title=Owner, last_name=Bagel, city=Seattle, web_page=NULL, company=Company Q, fax_number=(123)555-0101, business_phone=(123)555-0100, attachments=, mobile_phone=NULL, zip_postal_code=99999, state_province=WA, id=17, email_address=NULL, notes=NULL, country_region=USA, first_name=Jean Philippe}
customers_onChildAdded(15,customers/, SizeofCustomers: 9)
(MyMap) {home_phone=NULL, address=456 18th Street, job_title=Purchasing Representative, last_name=Autier Miconi, city=Boston, web_page=NULL, company=Company R, fax_number=(123)555-0101, business_phone=(123)555-0100, attachments=, mobile_phone=NULL, zip_postal_code=99999, state_province=MA, id=18, email_address=NULL, notes=NULL, country_region=USA, first_name=Catherine}
customers_onChildAdded(16,customers/, SizeofCustomers: 10)
(MyMap) {home_phone=NULL, address=789 19th Street, job_title=Accounting Assistant, last_name=Eggerer, city=Los Angelas, web_page=NULL, company=Company S, fax_number=(123)555-0101, business_phone=(123)555-0100, attachments=, mobile_phone=NULL, zip_postal_code=99999, state_province=CA, id=1, email_address=NULL, notes=NULL, country_region=USA, first_name=Alexander}
customers_onChildAdded(17,customers/, SizeofCustomers: 11)
(MyMap) {home_phone=NULL, address=789 20th Street, job_title=Purchasing Manager, last_name=Li, city=New York, web_page=NULL, company=Company T, fax_number=(123)555-0101, business_phone=(123)555-0100, attachments=, mobile_phone=NULL, zip_postal_code=99999, state_province=NY, id=20, email_address=NULL, notes=NULL, country_region=USA, first_name=George}
customers_onChildAdded(18,customers/, SizeofCustomers: 12)
(MyMap) {home_phone=NULL, address=789 21th Street, job_title=Accounting Manager, last_name=Tham, city=Minneapolis, web_page=NULL, company=Company U, fax_number=(123)555-0101, business_phone=(123)555-0100, attachments=, mobile_phone=NULL, zip_postal_code=99999, state_province=MN, id=21, email_address=NULL, notes=NULL, country_region=USA, first_name=Bernard}
customers_onChildAdded(19,customers/, SizeofCustomers: 13)
(MyMap) {home_phone=NULL, address=789 22th Street, job_title=Purchasing Assistant, last_name=Ramos, city=Milwaukee, web_page=NULL, company=Company V, fax_number=(123)555-0101, business_phone=(123)555-0100, attachments=, mobile_phone=NULL, zip_postal_code=99999, state_province=WI, id=22, email_address=NULL, notes=NULL, country_region=USA, first_name=Luciana}
customers_onChildAdded(20,customers/, SizeofCustomers: 14)
(MyMap) {home_phone=NULL, address=789 23th Street, job_title=Purchasing Manager, last_name=Entin, city=Portland, web_page=NULL, company=Company W, fax_number=(123)555-0101, business_phone=(123)555-0100, attachments=, mobile_phone=NULL, zip_postal_code=99999, state_province=OR, id=23, email_address=NULL, notes=NULL, country_region=USA, first_name=Michael}
customers_onChildAdded(21,customers/, SizeofCustomers: 15)
(MyMap) {home_phone=NULL, address=789 24th Street, job_title=Owner, last_name=Hasselberg, city=Salt Lake City, web_page=NULL, company=Company X, fax_number=(123)555-0101, business_phone=(123)555-0100, attachments=, mobile_phone=NULL, zip_postal_code=99999, state_province=UT, id=24, email_address=NULL, notes=NULL, country_region=USA, first_name=Jonas}
customers_onChildAdded(22,customers/, SizeofCustomers: 16)
(MyMap) {home_phone=NULL, address=789 25th Street, job_title=Purchasing Manager, last_name=Rodman, city=Chicago, web_page=NULL, company=Company Y, fax_number=(123)555-0101, business_phone=(123)555-0100, attachments=, mobile_phone=NULL, zip_postal_code=99999, state_province=IL, id=25, email_address=NULL, notes=NULL, country_region=USA, first_name=John}
customers_onChildAdded(23,customers/, SizeofCustomers: 17)
(MyMap) {home_phone=NULL, address=789 26th Street, job_title=Accounting Assistant, last_name=Liu, city=Miami, web_page=NULL, company=Company Z, fax_number=(123)555-0101, business_phone=(123)555-0100, attachments=, mobile_phone=NULL, zip_postal_code=99999, state_province=FL, id=26, email_address=NULL, notes=NULL, country_region=USA, first_name=Run}
customers_onChildAdded(24,customers/, SizeofCustomers: 18)
(MyMap) {home_phone=NULL, address=789 27th Street, job_title=Purchasing Manager, last_name=Toh, city=Las Vegas, web_page=NULL, company=Company AA, fax_number=(123)555-0101, business_phone=(123)555-0100, attachments=, mobile_phone=NULL, zip_postal_code=99999, state_province=NV, id=27, email_address=NULL, notes=NULL, country_region=USA, first_name=Karen}
customers_onChildAdded(25,customers/, SizeofCustomers: 19)
(MyMap) {home_phone=NULL, address=789 28th Street, job_title=Purchasing Manager, last_name=Raghav, city=Memphis, web_page=NULL, company=Company BB, fax_number=(123)555-0101, business_phone=(123)555-0100, attachments=, mobile_phone=NULL, zip_postal_code=99999, state_province=TN, id=28, email_address=NULL, notes=NULL, country_region=USA, first_name=Amritansh}
customers_onChildAdded(26,customers/, SizeofCustomers: 20)
(MyMap) {home_phone=NULL, address=789 29th Street, job_title=Purchasing Manager, last_name=Lee, city=Denver, web_page=NULL, company=Company CC, fax_number=(123)555-0101, business_phone=(123)555-0100, attachments=, mobile_phone=NULL, zip_postal_code=99999, state_province=CO, id=29, email_address=NULL, notes=NULL, country_region=USA, first_name=Soo Jung}
customers_onChildAdded(27,customers/, SizeofCustomers: 21)
customerListSize: 21
lib1:Raising.. chat_ondatachange()
Value type Map: anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.collections.Map$MyMap
Value = {-LDpwoP_FCRq9g-4_qZR={time=1527766009510, From=ErelClone, Message=Hi Master, Title=MyGreatSubject}}

But it still have some issues.
- Limiting the results does not work as expected
- Filtering does not work as expected.
- Based on this one should use a real flat structure of the DB-Content and uses the tree objects in a flat structure as you where queying against the hole Database.
- Without having special classes which you would use in your app (needs to be done in java, compiled together with my library sources as you would need to adapt some parts of it.
- you can use simple Maps (not too complicated) to store in a Tree.
- It is not really satisfactory at this stage i guess.
But it is working (at least my V2.82)


I also wrote a wrapper for the Firebase Firestore Database. But this Firebase lib is still in Beta so i need to wait for an final release (integrated in google play services).

This is working partially too (mostly same problems as in the Realtimedatabase library. Problems with Filtering, Ordering, Limiting))
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Manifest (B4A 8+)
'************ Google Play Services Base ************
CreateResourceFromFile(Macro, FirebaseAnalytics.GooglePlayBase)
'************ Google Play Services Base (end) ************
'************ Firebase Base ************
CreateResourceFromFile(Macro, FirebaseAnalytics.Firebase)
'************ Firebase Base (end) ************
'************ Firebase Notifications ************
CreateResourceFromFile(Macro, FirebaseNotifications.FirebaseNotifications)
'************ Firebase Notifications (end)************
'************ Firebase Auth ************
CreateResourceFromFile(Macro, FirebaseAuth.FirebaseAuth)
'************ Firebase Auth (end) ************
SetApplicationAttribute(android:theme, "@style/Theme.AppCompat")
AddPermission(android.permission.INTERNET) ' Allows applications to open network sockets.
AddPermission(android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE) ' Allows applications to access information about networks.

You also need to download json databind from
Download the bundle and use the contained jar
All other needed files are in the attached

Good luck


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    339.7 KB · Views: 236
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Multiverse app

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Manifest (B4A 8+)
'************ Google Play Services Base ************
CreateResourceFromFile(Macro, FirebaseAnalytics.GooglePlayBase)
'************ Google Play Services Base (end) ************
'************ Firebase Base ************
CreateResourceFromFile(Macro, FirebaseAnalytics.Firebase)
'************ Firebase Base (end) ************
'************ Firebase Notifications ************
CreateResourceFromFile(Macro, FirebaseNotifications.FirebaseNotifications)
'************ Firebase Notifications (end)************
'************ Firebase Auth ************
CreateResourceFromFile(Macro, FirebaseAuth.FirebaseAuth)
'************ Firebase Auth (end) ************
SetApplicationAttribute(android:theme, "@style/Theme.AppCompat")
AddPermission(android.permission.INTERNET) ' Allows applications to open network sockets.
AddPermission(android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE) ' Allows applications to access information about networks.

You also need to download json databind from
Download the bundle and use the contained jar
All other needed files are in the attached

Good luck
Thank you very much! Let me test and come back to you.
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This is the (CHAOTIC!!) code from my testapp.
But it may be a help a bit (i hope :))

Sub Globals
    'These global variables will be redeclared each time the activity is created.
    'These variables can only be accessed from this module.
    Dim realtime As FirebaseDatabase
    Dim myref As DatabaseReference
    Dim cust As DatabaseReference
    Dim msgref As DatabaseReference
    Dim mymessages As DatabaseReference
    Private lblName As Label
    Private btnSignIn As Button
    Private btnSignOut As Button
    Private fbdb As Map
    Private custmap As Map
    'Private FireLayout1 As FireLayout
    Private lv As ListView
    Private btnGoogle As Button
    Private btnEmail As Button
    Private btnAnon As Button
    Private btnLogout As Button
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
    'Do not forget to load the layout file created with the visual designer. For example:
    If FirstTime Then
        realtime.PersistenceEnabled = True
    End If




    ' Get the  first 5 items   order by Child "id"   and add Listener
    Dim users() As String
    users = Array As String("Someone", "ErelClone", "AnotherUser")

    Dim rnduser As Int = Rnd(0,users.Length)

    Dim msgs() As String
    msgs = Array As String("Hello there", "Hi Master", "You are great")
    Dim rndmsg As Int = Rnd(0,msgs.Length)
    Dim tit() As String
    tit = Array As String("My subject", "this is the subject", "MyGreatSubject")
    Dim rndtit As Int = Rnd(0,tit.Length)

    If auth.CurrentUser.IsInitialized Then
    End If
End Sub

Sub Activity_Resume
    'Log("Auth.currentUser = "&auth.CurrentUser)
    If auth.CurrentUser.IsInitialized Then
        Log("Auth.currentUser = "&auth.CurrentUser)
    End If

End Sub

Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)

End Sub
Sub btnSignIn_Click
End Sub

Sub btnSignOut_Click
    lblName.Text = "Goodbye!"
End Sub

Sub Auth_SignedIn (User As FirebaseUser)
    Log("SignedIn: " & User.DisplayName)
    lblName.Text = "Hello: " & User.DisplayName
End Sub
Sub Fire_onFireLayoutChildClicked(view As Object)
    If view Is Label Then
        Dim lbl As Label = view
    End If
End Sub
Sub Fire_onFireLayoutChildLongClicked(view As Object)
End Sub
Sub Reference_onCancelled(errnum As Int,error As String, errObj As Object, tag As Object)
End Sub
Sub Reference_onChildAdded(snapshot As Object, child As String, tag As Object)
    Dim snap As DataSnapshot = snapshot
    Select child
        Case "options"
            'Dim options As Map = snap.Value
            'Log("--- OPTIONS -------")
        Case "geoFire"
        Case "users"
            'Dim users As Map = snap.Value
            'Log("--- USERS ---------")
    End Select
End Sub
Sub Reference_onChildChanged(snapshot As Object, child As String, tag As Object)
End Sub
Sub Reference_onComplete(resultCode As Int, resultMessage As String, result As Object, tag As Object)
End Sub
Sub Reference_onChildMoved(snapshot As Object, child As String, tag As Object)
End Sub
Sub Reference_onChildRemoved(snapshot As Object, tag As Object)
End Sub
Sub Reference_onDataChange(snapshot As Object, tag As Object)
    If snapshot <> Null Then
        Dim snap As DataSnapshot = snapshot
        If snap.IsInitialized Then
            'Log("Snapshot value is NOT null. Ok. Need to check content")
            If snap.Value Is Map Then
                'Log("Value type Map: "& GetType(snap.Value))
                Dim m As Map = snap.Value
                For Each k As String In m.Keys
                'fbdb = snap.Value
                'Log("FBDBroot set...")
            else if snap.Value Is List Then
                'Log("Value type List: "& GetType(snap.Value))
                Dim customers As List = snap.Value
                Log("referenceListSize: "&customers.Size)
            else if snap.Value Is String Then
                'Log("Value type String: "& GetType(snap.Value))
                Dim val As String = snap.Value
                Log("Value type unknown: "& GetType(snap.Value))
            End If
            'Dim json As JSONParser
            'Dim root As Map = json.NextObject
            Log("Snapshot not initialized")
        End If
        Log("Snapshot is null")
    End If
    'Dim keys As List = snap.Children
End Sub

Sub chat_onCancelled(errnum As Int,error As String, errObj As Object, tag As Object)
End Sub
Sub chat_onChildAdded(snapshot As Object, child As String, tag As Object)
    Dim snap As DataSnapshot = snapshot
    Dim NewMessage As Map = snap.Value
    'Log("========= NEW MSG =============")
    'Log("========= NEW MSG =============")
    'Log("========= NEW MSG =============")
    '(MyMap) {time=1500126681816, From=Someone, Message=bla bla bla bla :-), Title=Hello world!}
    Dim dt As Long = NewMessage.Get("time")
    lv.AddTwoLines2("From "&NewMessage.Get("From")&": "&NewMessage.Get("Title"), DateTime.Date(dt)&": "&NewMessage.Get("Message"),NewMessage)
    'Log("========= NEW MSG =============")
    'Log("========= NEW MSG =============")
    'Log("========= NEW MSG =============")
End Sub
Sub chat_onChildChanged(snapshot As Object, child As String, tag As Object)
End Sub
Sub chat_onComplete(resultCode As Int, resultMessage As String, result As Object, tag As Object)
End Sub
Sub chat_onChildMoved(snapshot As Object, child As String, tag As Object)
End Sub
Sub chat_onChildRemoved(snapshot As Object, tag As Object)
End Sub
Sub chat_onDataChange(snapshot As Object, tag As Object)
    If snapshot <> Null Then
        Dim snap As DataSnapshot = snapshot
        If snap.IsInitialized Then
            If snap.Value <> Null And snap.Value <> "null" Then
                'Log("Snapshot value is NOT null. Ok. Need to check content")
                If snap.Value Is Map Then
                    Log("Value type Map: "& GetType(snap.Value))
                    'fbdb = snap.Value
                    Log("Value = "&snap.Value)
                else if snap.Value Is List Then
                    'Log("Value type List: "& GetType(snap.Value))
                    Dim customers As List = snap.Value
                    Log("chatListSize: "&customers.Size)
                else if snap.Value Is String Then
                    'Log("Value type String: "& GetType(snap.Value))
                    Dim val As String = snap.Value
                    Log("Value type unknown: "& GetType(snap.Value))
                End If
                'Dim json As JSONParser
                'Dim root As Map = json.NextObject
                'Log("Snapshot value is null")
                'Dim m As Map
                'myref.Value = CreateMap("Username":"DonManfred","Age":49)

            End If
            Log("Snapshot not initialized")
        End If
        Log("Snapshot is null")
    End If
    'Dim keys As List = snap.Children
End Sub

Sub customers_onCancelled(errnum As Int,error As String, errObj As Object, tag As Object)
End Sub
Sub customers_onChildAdded(snapshot As Object, child As String, tag As Object)
    Dim snap As DataSnapshot = snapshot
    Dim NewMessage As Map = snap.Value
    'Log("========= NEW MSG =============")
    'Log("========= NEW MSG =============")
    'Log("========= NEW MSG =============")
    Log($"customers_onChildAdded(${child},${tag}, SizeofCustomers: ${custmap.Size})"$)
    '(MyMap) {address=789 28th Street, home_phone=NULL, job_title=Purchasing Manager, last_name=Raghav, city=Memphis, web_page=NULL, company=Company BB, business_phone=(123)555-0100, fax_number=(123)555-0101, attachments=, mobile_phone=NULL, zip_postal_code=99999, state_province=TN, id=28, email_address=NULL, notes=NULL, country_region=USA, first_name=Amritansh}
    'Dim dt As Long = NewMessage.Get("time")
    lv.AddTwoLines("From: "&NewMessage.Get("first_name")&" "&NewMessage.Get("last_name"),"(ID "&NewMessage.Get("id")&") "&NewMessage.Get("address"))
    'Log("========= NEW MSG =============")
    'Log("========= NEW MSG =============")
    'Log("========= NEW MSG =============")
End Sub
Sub customers_onChildChanged(snapshot As Object, child As String, tag As Object)
    Dim snap As DataSnapshot = snapshot
    Dim NewMessage As Map = snap.Value
    'Log("========= CHANGED =============")
    'Log("========= CHANGED =============")
    'Log("========= CHANGED =============")

End Sub
Sub customers_onComplete(resultCode As Int, resultMessage As String, result As Object, tag As Object)
End Sub
Sub customers_onChildMoved(snapshot As Object, child As String, tag As Object)
    Dim snap As DataSnapshot = snapshot
    Dim NewMessage As Map = snap.Value
    'Log("=========  MOVED  =============")
    'Log("=========  MOVED  =============")
    'Log("=========  MOVED  =============")
End Sub
Sub customers_onChildRemoved(snapshot As Object, tag As Object)
    Dim snap As DataSnapshot = snapshot
    Dim NewMessage As Map = snap.Value
    'Log("========= REMOVED =============")
    'Log("========= REMOVED =============")
    'Log("========= REMOVED =============")
End Sub
Sub customers_onDataChange(snapshot As Object, tag As Object)
    If snapshot <> Null Then
        Dim snap As DataSnapshot = snapshot
        If snap.IsInitialized Then
            If snap.Value <> Null And snap.Value <> "null" Then
                'Log("Snapshot value is NOT null. Ok. Need to check content")
                If snap.Value Is Map Then
                    'Log("Value type Map: "& GetType(snap.Value))
                    fbdb = snap.Value
                    'Log("FBDBroot set...")
                else if snap.Value Is List Then
                    'Log("Value type List: "& GetType(snap.Value))
                    Dim customers As List = snap.Value
                    Log("customerListSize: "&customers.Size)
                else if snap.Value Is String Then
                    'Log("Value type String: "& GetType(snap.Value))
                    Dim val As String = snap.Value
                    Log("Value type unknown: "& GetType(snap.Value))
                End If
                'Dim json As JSONParser
                'Dim root As Map = json.NextObject
                Log("Snapshot value is null")
                'Dim m As Map
                'myref.Value = CreateMap("Username":"DonManfred","Age":49)

            End If
            Log("Snapshot not initialized")
        End If
        Log("Snapshot is null")
    End If
    'Dim keys As List = snap.Children
End Sub
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Multiverse app

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This is the (CHAOTIC!!) code from my testapp.
But it may be a help a bit (i hope :))

Sub Globals
    'These global variables will be redeclared each time the activity is created.
    'These variables can only be accessed from this module.
    Dim realtime As FirebaseDatabase
    Dim myref As DatabaseReference
    Dim cust As DatabaseReference
    Dim msgref As DatabaseReference
    Dim mymessages As DatabaseReference
    Private lblName As Label
    Private btnSignIn As Button
    Private btnSignOut As Button
    Private fbdb As Map
    Private custmap As Map
    'Private FireLayout1 As FireLayout
    Private lv As ListView
    Private btnGoogle As Button
    Private btnEmail As Button
    Private btnAnon As Button
    Private btnLogout As Button
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
    'Do not forget to load the layout file created with the visual designer. For example:
    If FirstTime Then
        realtime.PersistenceEnabled = True
    End If




    ' Get the  first 5 items   order by Child "id"   and add Listener
    Dim users() As String
    users = Array As String("Someone", "ErelClone", "AnotherUser")

    Dim rnduser As Int = Rnd(0,users.Length)

    Dim msgs() As String
    msgs = Array As String("Hello there", "Hi Master", "You are great")
    Dim rndmsg As Int = Rnd(0,msgs.Length)
    Dim tit() As String
    tit = Array As String("My subject", "this is the subject", "MyGreatSubject")
    Dim rndtit As Int = Rnd(0,tit.Length)

    If auth.CurrentUser.IsInitialized Then
    End If
End Sub

Sub Activity_Resume
    'Log("Auth.currentUser = "&auth.CurrentUser)
    If auth.CurrentUser.IsInitialized Then
        Log("Auth.currentUser = "&auth.CurrentUser)
    End If

End Sub

Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)

End Sub
Sub btnSignIn_Click
End Sub

Sub btnSignOut_Click
    lblName.Text = "Goodbye!"
End Sub

Sub Auth_SignedIn (User As FirebaseUser)
    Log("SignedIn: " & User.DisplayName)
    lblName.Text = "Hello: " & User.DisplayName
End Sub
Sub Fire_onFireLayoutChildClicked(view As Object)
    If view Is Label Then
        Dim lbl As Label = view
    End If
End Sub
Sub Fire_onFireLayoutChildLongClicked(view As Object)
End Sub
Sub Reference_onCancelled(errnum As Int,error As String, errObj As Object, tag As Object)
End Sub
Sub Reference_onChildAdded(snapshot As Object, child As String, tag As Object)
    Dim snap As DataSnapshot = snapshot
    Select child
        Case "options"
            'Dim options As Map = snap.Value
            'Log("--- OPTIONS -------")
        Case "geoFire"
        Case "users"
            'Dim users As Map = snap.Value
            'Log("--- USERS ---------")
    End Select
End Sub
Sub Reference_onChildChanged(snapshot As Object, child As String, tag As Object)
End Sub
Sub Reference_onComplete(resultCode As Int, resultMessage As String, result As Object, tag As Object)
End Sub
Sub Reference_onChildMoved(snapshot As Object, child As String, tag As Object)
End Sub
Sub Reference_onChildRemoved(snapshot As Object, tag As Object)
End Sub
Sub Reference_onDataChange(snapshot As Object, tag As Object)
    If snapshot <> Null Then
        Dim snap As DataSnapshot = snapshot
        If snap.IsInitialized Then
            'Log("Snapshot value is NOT null. Ok. Need to check content")
            If snap.Value Is Map Then
                'Log("Value type Map: "& GetType(snap.Value))
                Dim m As Map = snap.Value
                For Each k As String In m.Keys
                'fbdb = snap.Value
                'Log("FBDBroot set...")
            else if snap.Value Is List Then
                'Log("Value type List: "& GetType(snap.Value))
                Dim customers As List = snap.Value
                Log("referenceListSize: "&customers.Size)
            else if snap.Value Is String Then
                'Log("Value type String: "& GetType(snap.Value))
                Dim val As String = snap.Value
                Log("Value type unknown: "& GetType(snap.Value))
            End If
            'Dim json As JSONParser
            'Dim root As Map = json.NextObject
            Log("Snapshot not initialized")
        End If
        Log("Snapshot is null")
    End If
    'Dim keys As List = snap.Children
End Sub

Sub chat_onCancelled(errnum As Int,error As String, errObj As Object, tag As Object)
End Sub
Sub chat_onChildAdded(snapshot As Object, child As String, tag As Object)
    Dim snap As DataSnapshot = snapshot
    Dim NewMessage As Map = snap.Value
    'Log("========= NEW MSG =============")
    'Log("========= NEW MSG =============")
    'Log("========= NEW MSG =============")
    '(MyMap) {time=1500126681816, From=Someone, Message=bla bla bla bla :-), Title=Hello world!}
    Dim dt As Long = NewMessage.Get("time")
    lv.AddTwoLines2("From "&NewMessage.Get("From")&": "&NewMessage.Get("Title"), DateTime.Date(dt)&": "&NewMessage.Get("Message"),NewMessage)
    'Log("========= NEW MSG =============")
    'Log("========= NEW MSG =============")
    'Log("========= NEW MSG =============")
End Sub
Sub chat_onChildChanged(snapshot As Object, child As String, tag As Object)
End Sub
Sub chat_onComplete(resultCode As Int, resultMessage As String, result As Object, tag As Object)
End Sub
Sub chat_onChildMoved(snapshot As Object, child As String, tag As Object)
End Sub
Sub chat_onChildRemoved(snapshot As Object, tag As Object)
End Sub
Sub chat_onDataChange(snapshot As Object, tag As Object)
    If snapshot <> Null Then
        Dim snap As DataSnapshot = snapshot
        If snap.IsInitialized Then
            If snap.Value <> Null And snap.Value <> "null" Then
                'Log("Snapshot value is NOT null. Ok. Need to check content")
                If snap.Value Is Map Then
                    Log("Value type Map: "& GetType(snap.Value))
                    'fbdb = snap.Value
                    Log("Value = "&snap.Value)
                else if snap.Value Is List Then
                    'Log("Value type List: "& GetType(snap.Value))
                    Dim customers As List = snap.Value
                    Log("chatListSize: "&customers.Size)
                else if snap.Value Is String Then
                    'Log("Value type String: "& GetType(snap.Value))
                    Dim val As String = snap.Value
                    Log("Value type unknown: "& GetType(snap.Value))
                End If
                'Dim json As JSONParser
                'Dim root As Map = json.NextObject
                'Log("Snapshot value is null")
                'Dim m As Map
                'myref.Value = CreateMap("Username":"DonManfred","Age":49)

            End If
            Log("Snapshot not initialized")
        End If
        Log("Snapshot is null")
    End If
    'Dim keys As List = snap.Children
End Sub

Sub customers_onCancelled(errnum As Int,error As String, errObj As Object, tag As Object)
End Sub
Sub customers_onChildAdded(snapshot As Object, child As String, tag As Object)
    Dim snap As DataSnapshot = snapshot
    Dim NewMessage As Map = snap.Value
    'Log("========= NEW MSG =============")
    'Log("========= NEW MSG =============")
    'Log("========= NEW MSG =============")
    Log($"customers_onChildAdded(${child},${tag}, SizeofCustomers: ${custmap.Size})"$)
    '(MyMap) {address=789 28th Street, home_phone=NULL, job_title=Purchasing Manager, last_name=Raghav, city=Memphis, web_page=NULL, company=Company BB, business_phone=(123)555-0100, fax_number=(123)555-0101, attachments=, mobile_phone=NULL, zip_postal_code=99999, state_province=TN, id=28, email_address=NULL, notes=NULL, country_region=USA, first_name=Amritansh}
    'Dim dt As Long = NewMessage.Get("time")
    lv.AddTwoLines("From: "&NewMessage.Get("first_name")&" "&NewMessage.Get("last_name"),"(ID "&NewMessage.Get("id")&") "&NewMessage.Get("address"))
    'Log("========= NEW MSG =============")
    'Log("========= NEW MSG =============")
    'Log("========= NEW MSG =============")
End Sub
Sub customers_onChildChanged(snapshot As Object, child As String, tag As Object)
    Dim snap As DataSnapshot = snapshot
    Dim NewMessage As Map = snap.Value
    'Log("========= CHANGED =============")
    'Log("========= CHANGED =============")
    'Log("========= CHANGED =============")

End Sub
Sub customers_onComplete(resultCode As Int, resultMessage As String, result As Object, tag As Object)
End Sub
Sub customers_onChildMoved(snapshot As Object, child As String, tag As Object)
    Dim snap As DataSnapshot = snapshot
    Dim NewMessage As Map = snap.Value
    'Log("=========  MOVED  =============")
    'Log("=========  MOVED  =============")
    'Log("=========  MOVED  =============")
End Sub
Sub customers_onChildRemoved(snapshot As Object, tag As Object)
    Dim snap As DataSnapshot = snapshot
    Dim NewMessage As Map = snap.Value
    'Log("========= REMOVED =============")
    'Log("========= REMOVED =============")
    'Log("========= REMOVED =============")
End Sub
Sub customers_onDataChange(snapshot As Object, tag As Object)
    If snapshot <> Null Then
        Dim snap As DataSnapshot = snapshot
        If snap.IsInitialized Then
            If snap.Value <> Null And snap.Value <> "null" Then
                'Log("Snapshot value is NOT null. Ok. Need to check content")
                If snap.Value Is Map Then
                    'Log("Value type Map: "& GetType(snap.Value))
                    fbdb = snap.Value
                    'Log("FBDBroot set...")
                else if snap.Value Is List Then
                    'Log("Value type List: "& GetType(snap.Value))
                    Dim customers As List = snap.Value
                    Log("customerListSize: "&customers.Size)
                else if snap.Value Is String Then
                    'Log("Value type String: "& GetType(snap.Value))
                    Dim val As String = snap.Value
                    Log("Value type unknown: "& GetType(snap.Value))
                End If
                'Dim json As JSONParser
                'Dim root As Map = json.NextObject
                Log("Snapshot value is null")
                'Dim m As Map
                'myref.Value = CreateMap("Username":"DonManfred","Age":49)

            End If
            Log("Snapshot not initialized")
        End If
        Log("Snapshot is null")
    End If
    'Dim keys As List = snap.Children
End Sub
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