In regards to Receivers and Services..
If I continue using B4A v12.0 will services still work in the background, and it's only if I update to B4A v12.2+ that services will no longer run in the background and need to use Receivers ?
Or will services not work in the background with Android 12+ when I use B4A v12.0 ?
In regards to Receivers and Services..
Receivers and Services in 2023+
In the early days of Android services were simple to use and powerful. They allowed doing all kinds of things in the backgrounds with very few restrictions. That's not the case with newer versions of Android. With a few exceptions (that aren't 100% reliable), the only use case for services is to...
If I continue using B4A v12.0 will services still work in the background, and it's only if I update to B4A v12.2+ that services will no longer run in the background and need to use Receivers ?
Or will services not work in the background with Android 12+ when I use B4A v12.0 ?