B4J Question Refreshing form?


Hi all,

I'm trying to do it something simple but can't find the key of my problem.

I have a new B4J project. I created son controls on screen, and clicking on a button it does a get request and put the content on a text area.
This is working as expected, but now, I wanna to disable buttons, while process is in execution, and add some loading animation on screen.
I imported SD LoadingIndicator lib to my project, and this is what my code does.
"CambiarEstadoControles" should change "enabled" value of a couple of controls (I expect to change to lightgrey as disabled.
Then I show the loading indicator.
I change my Btn text and "DescargarPGN" function retrieves the data.
Then, once finished, all should come back again to normal status and hide loading indicator.

My "DescargarPGN" sub, works perfect, but any of the other code is working. Button don't change the showed text, loadingindicator is not showed either, and components are not disabled.

What I'm doing wrong?
