iOS Question Remote Compiler: Error: ** BUILD FAILED ** XUI Views


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I´ve been trying to use B4XFloatTextField with B4I. At first I thought it was an error regarding CustomListView (I used the legacy and xCustomList view), so I clean up all the code so that only xCustomListView was used (v 1.71 class module).

There is no problem when I compile withoud XUI Views library, but when this library is attached, it shows the following error during logs when I compile.

The libraries that are used in the proyect are:

Any clues on where I can find then duplicate simbols?


  • log.txt
    380.6 KB · Views: 233


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I have removed CustomListView (the old one), and I have the xCustomListView class module (not the library). It used to be named CustomListView but now I have renamed it to xCustomListView and B4XDialog has complain about:

Public Sub InternalAddStubToCLVIfNeeded(CustomListView1 As CustomListView, Color As Int)

Although I used another B4X dialog (Named B4XDialogMod), becasue it uses some custom functions of mine, I have no B4XDialog class name like that.
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Thanks @Erel the problem was that I was using xCustomList view class module and not the library, and have not updated the xCustomListView library (not even installed it on the IDE).

Thanks for your time
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