iOS Question Resize page not working


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I use below code for change page panel
Page1.RootPanel.Height = 100dip
I use this code in Page1_Resize
but this code is not working and i cannot change height in iPhone x
Because when i use SafeAreaInsets,occur error that not found this method so i use below code
But i dont have problem in get real height and big problem is not change height

Sub GetRealPageSize(Page1 As Page) As Rect
        Dim rect2 As Rect
        Dim height,width As Float
        Dim no As NativeObject = Page1.RootPanel
        Dim top = 0, left = 0 As Int
        height = Page1.RootPanel.Height
        width = Page1.RootPanel.Width

        no = no.GetField("safeAreaInsets")
        Dim matcher As Matcher = Regex.Matcher("\{(.*)\}", no.AsString.Replace(" ", ""))
        If matcher.Find Then
            Dim values() As String = Regex.Split(",", matcher.Group(1))
            top = top + values(0)
            left = left + values(1)
            height = height - values(2) - top
            width = width - values(3) - left
        End If
        If rect2.Bottom = 0 And rect2.Top = 0 And rect2.Left = 0 And rect2.Right = 0 Then
        End If
        Return rect2
        Dim rect2 As Rect
        Return rect2
    End Try
End Sub
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