The filter helps but it would be nice if the search would support matching all words. What I mean by that is if you enter more than 1 word than each word must be found in the post for it to be included in the results. I believe that the search engine uses an OR pattern instead of an AND pattern for including in the found result. The more I enter in the search the more restrictive the search should become.
For example, search for statemanager class. It lists posts related to statemanager or class and returns posts which contain class only, some for statemanager only, and some that have both found. I want results with both.
Searching is becoming more and more difficult as more content is found in the system. That is a good thing but can be very time consuming clicking on each post and trying to find what is pertinent.
Maybe an exclude option could be done to exclude words like B4J. I remember using + and - in front of searches in google; to exclude all b4j posts would simply be -b4j
Another example might simply be statemanager class -b4j