Share My Creation Sell Sailboats And Teach Sailing

My Company produces custom software to promote sailing and sailboat sales. I'm not a full time programmer, but I enjoy programing when the weather is too cold or too warm. Over the years, I have discovered that some software can be too complicated for some of our senior sailors. They are the sailors that buy new boats. I put my software into two classes. One class that a sailor will use because they can and one that needs to be used by an instructor to teach sailing. The difficult software is easy and interesting to produce for the programmer, but doesn't get used very much. GPS and sailing go hand and hand. Most of our applications are GPS based.

New and maybe old stuff in my applications are using two GPS receivers in the same application. A computer can measure the difference between the two signals. With one receiver on the bow and one on the stern, you can see the bow point up in a gust. My maps use a button for a pointer and a finger swipe to measure distances. We give each sailor a custom map of his or her sailing area. One of my applications measure pointing and tacking ability. It works with an instructor and with the sailor after the instruction. Our Web address is if you have questions?
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