Android Question Share KVS .dat file between 3 android apps


Hi, there

I hope you experts can help me.

I have 3 apps: Main app, Second app, Third app. Main app has a form which users fill in and the data is stored in the form.dat file using KVS. Now I want Second app and Third app to have access to form.dat and access the info using KVS. I have copied the file form.dat to the shared folder:

Copying to shared folder:
shared = rp.GetSafeDirDefaultExternal("")
File.Copy(File.DirInternal, "form.dat", shared, "form.dat")
Do I need to use FileProvider here?

Now I have no idea how to initialize the file form.dat which is saved in a shared folder.

From Second app and Third app...:
KVS.Initialize("What do I put here???", "form.dat")
What path must I put in order to access form.dat in the shared folder?
Also do I need permissions to access the file from other apps?

Do I need to specify the path here?

Thanks in advance
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