Android Tutorial Signature Capture Tutorial

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Several developers were interested in adding support for signature capturing in their Android application.
The attached code module makes it easy to capture the signature and save it to a file.


You should create a layout similar to the above layout.
The drawing is done on a Panel view.

Load the layout (or create it programmatically), initialize the canvas object which does the actual drawing and initialize the SignatureData object:
Sub Globals
    Dim Panel1 As Panel
    Dim Canvas1 As Canvas
    Dim SD As SignatureData 'This object holds the data required for SignatureCapture
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
    SD.Canvas = Canvas1
    SD.Panel = Panel1
    SD.SignatureColor = Colors.Black
    SD.SignatureWidth = 5dip 'Stroke width
End Sub
Add events for the panel Touch event and for the buttons. These events call the SignatureCapture module.
Sub Panel1_Touch (Action As Int, X As Float, Y As Float)
    SignatureCapture.Panel_Touch(SD, x, y, Action)
End Sub
Sub btnSave_Click
    SignatureCapture.Save(SD, File.DirRootExternal, "sign.png")
    ToastMessageShow("Signature saved to: " & File.Combine(File.DirRootExternal, "sign.png"), True)
End Sub
Sub btnClear_Click
End Sub
That's it.


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Hi Erel,

Thanks for those great tuts.

Is there a way to capture en store the points of the signature? instead of a picture?

Thanks in advance!



New Member
zip file


That is what I really need, but I cannot save the file.
is it free? How can I access to the code.



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Signature Capture resolution

I have written a signature capture program and find that the points I capture are far apart. Is there a way to set the frequency the Panel_Touch event is fired? The points I capture are too far apart and I want to get smoother lines as opposed to angular straight lines.


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Sub Panel1_Touch (Action As Int, X As Float, Y As Float)
SignatureCapture.Panel_Touch(SD, x, y, Action)
If SignPt < SignPoints.Length -1 Then
SignPoints(signPt).x = x
SignPoints(signPt).y = y
SignPt = SignPt + 1
End If
End Sub
The only thing I'm doing differently is I have a type array SignPoints and a pointer variable signPt where I record the touch location each time it changes. I've limited the array size to 1000 points and rarely get to 180 points on a fairly complex signature. If the user draws a circle slowly, it creates a jagged circle. If he does it fast, it might be a straight line. I digitize it so I don't have to store an image. Yes, I'm using your code module in the signaturecapture code, unchanged.
Ideas are appreciated. Thanks,


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I'm using a velocity Cruz R101. It is a low end device: Eclair: Kernal 2.6.29#125:
Do you think the processor is too slow or other hardware issue? My deployed systems are on the Velocity Cruz T301, which is a much better machine than my dev machine.


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I installed it on my cellphone (Samsung Charge), it works perfectly. Therefore, it is safe to assume the Cruz is too slow or whatever...
Thanks for your help.


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Erel, I've adapted this example as a simple drawing pad for my grandkids. I've added the ability to load a saved drawing with:

Panel1.SetBackgroundImage(LoadBitmap(File.DirRootExternal, "MyDrawing.jpg"))

which works ok. The problem I'm having is that the existing drawing routines wont seem to draw to my loaded image. Should I be loading the image to
SD.canvas1 instead? If so, how do I do that?

Can you advise please?


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Signature Capture resolution

I'm back at trying to figure out why my signatures are "jagged" instead of smooth.
Your tutorial code works great on an Asus eePad.
I have embedded your code within my application as an activity.
When I run my application and execute your code as an activity, I get "jagged" lines. In other words, if I draw a circle, it comes out a polygon.
I am assuming my application continues running on its own thread and might be using too man "cycles" of the tablet.
Is there a way to allow the signature capture activity to have priority or to suspend the main application until the signature capture activity is complete? (assuming this would smooth out the lines)


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I figured it out and am posting a follow up for those as dumb as I am...:BangHead:
In my Panel_Touch routine, I was setting a label to visible = false.
Of course, every pixel of movement would cause this to be reset again and again, thus slowing everything down, thus causing the extremely poor resolution on the signature.
Bottom line, the Panel_Touch routine should not have anything in it except recording the touch location data...

Further, it seems if you convert 1.bal to a 10.1" 1280X800 and expand the panel to full screen the resolution suffers...

Thanks for the help.
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Save panel and imageview together

Can you help me, pease?


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