Hi there, I'm trying to use DBUtils for SqlLite in my application. So far no problem. but now i have an Activity with this sentence
DBUtils.ExecuteSpinner(Starter.sql,"select * FROM spinnercat",Null,0,SpGenerico)
I declare in Globals SpGenerico as spinner.
I got an error
Error occurred on line: 222 (DBUtils)
java.lang.RuntimeException: Object should first be initialized (Spinner).
I got this error in this line from DBuitls.bas
Error on Spinner1.Clear (Line 222 of DButils)
Same happen with a Listview.
But in other activities i use those "SELECT *" Filler with no problem..
What I'm doing wrong? Thanks
DBUtils.ExecuteSpinner(Starter.sql,"select * FROM spinnercat",Null,0,SpGenerico)
I declare in Globals SpGenerico as spinner.
I got an error
Error occurred on line: 222 (DBUtils)
java.lang.RuntimeException: Object should first be initialized (Spinner).
I got this error in this line from DBuitls.bas
if B4A
'Executes the query and fills the Spinner with the values in the first column
Sub ExecuteSpinner(SQL As SQL, Query As String, StringArgs() As String, Limit As Int, Spinner1 As Spinner)
Dim Table As List
Table = ExecuteMemoryTable(SQL, Query, StringArgs, Limit)
Dim Cols() As String
For i = 0 To Table.Size - 1
Cols = Table.Get(i)
End Sub
Error on Spinner1.Clear (Line 222 of DButils)
Same happen with a Listview.
But in other activities i use those "SELECT *" Filler with no problem..
What I'm doing wrong? Thanks