Android Question [SOLVED] Read ID of record after insert in sqlite database (master/detail)


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I have 2 tables (master/detail): Client and Phone.
I have 1 layout with client profile and I can add several fields with phones for this client.
There are primary keys in both tables and in Phone table there are a PK_ID_Client.
I use Maps.Put and DBUtils.InsertMaps to save the record in table Client.

Save the Client table is OK, but how I can check the ID created of Client in SQLite database to add in field PK_ID_Client and save Phone table?

How I can save this information (client profile and phones) in two tables simultaneously?

Thanks in advance.


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To get last identity inserted use, just after insert client row execute this query:
select last_insert_rowid();

In SQL Server you can execute: select @@identity to do the same
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right, but he uses sqlite and I don't know if something like the mssql/mysql methods exist.
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I use SQLite.
ID is a autoincrement field in Client table and integer field (PK) in Phone table.
"Select max(id)..." don't work.

my code:
Sub AddRecord
    Dim ListOfMaps As List

    Dim m As Map
    m.Put("name", edName.Text)
    m.Put("address", edAddress.Text)
    DBUtils.InsertMaps(SQL1, "Client", ListOfMaps)
End Sub

How I can get ID (autoincrement) of this record right after insert?

How I can add the new field "phone" (Phone table) after DBUtils.InsertMaps in Client table?
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Select max(_id) From...

I try this (after DBUtils.InsertMaps in Client table):

Dim Cursor1 As Cursor
Cursor1 = SQL1.ExecQuery("SELECT Max(_id) FROM Client")

but I get this error: "no such column: _id"

If I use the column "id" (SELECT Max(id) ...) I get this error: "column 'id' does not exist"
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but I get this error: "no such column: _id"

If I use the column "id" (SELECT Max(id) ...) I get this error: "column 'id' does not exist"

we gave examples, we don't know how your id is exactly named so you have to modify that.
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so rowid will return the autoincrement field / primary key whatever its name is?
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It was my error!

SQLite works in a strange manner. If you have a field declared as INTEGER PRIMARY KEY it will be a "copy" of ROWID (which is an internal field).
ROWID has some aliases and I remembered also _id (perhaps _ID).

Thanks @LucaMs. This works:

Cursor1 = SQL1.ExecQuery("SELECT Max(_rowid_) AS id1 FROM client")

Now I get the ID of Client table, right after insert, and add the fields in Phone table with foreign key.
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Well-Known Member
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You could use my SQLExtended library. That wraps the insert method from the API which returns the ROWID. The advantage being it is faster as the API uses the
sqlite3_last_insert_rowid function to return the ROWID so you are only running one SQL statement not two.
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Well-Known Member
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Post #9 already offered the solution using the last_insert_rowid() in one SQL statement.

Not the same thing. Only one SQL statement is executed.

iRowId = oSQLE.insert("atable",cInsertStatement)

You solution uses one statement to do the insert and one statement to get the RowID. The API calls the sqlite3_last_insert_rowid function directly and is not wrapped in a SELECT statement so it is faster because there is no overhead in executing a second SQL statement.
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