Android Question Solved - XUI View - Scrolling Label don't scroll all text

Roger C

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Just tried out the Scrolling Label in XUI Views.

Added it to the designer.
Added text to it through code.
Private ScrollingLabel1 As ScrollingLabel
ScrollingLabel1.Text = "dfdsfds fsd fds f sdf dsf sd fds f sd fsdyu ytu ytutyu yy f sdf sdf sd fds ff"

Also added this to Activity_Resume
ScrollingLabel1.Text = ScrollingLabel1.Text

My problem is that the text scrolls for 2-3 seconds, showing 75% of the text, then it starts over again.
It does not scroll the full text.

Is there a limit in number of characters it can show?
Is there a solution?


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Longtime User
It does not scroll the full text.
I just tested the below project and it scrolled the entire label text without any problems
Sub Globals
            Private ScrollingLabel1 As ScrollingLabel   ' XUI Views lib 2.18  and B4A 9.5
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
            Activity.LoadLayout("layMain")     'has the scrolling label in the layout 
            ScrollingLabel1.Text="Erel dfdsfds fsd fds f sdf dsf sd fds f sd fsdyu ytu ytutyu yy f sdf sdf sd fds ff mahares"
End Sub
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You might check the position/size of the ScrollingLabel?

If the size goes out of the screen, then you just aren't seeing the remainder of the label.
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Roger C

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Thanks all.

It was my fault. A timer checked a website every 5 sec and updated the text in the label.
Added a check if the text had changed and only updated then so now it works...
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