Just tried out the Scrolling Label in XUI Views.
Added it to the designer.
Added text to it through code.
Also added this to Activity_Resume
My problem is that the text scrolls for 2-3 seconds, showing 75% of the text, then it starts over again.
It does not scroll the full text.
Is there a limit in number of characters it can show?
Is there a solution?
Just tried out the Scrolling Label in XUI Views.
Added it to the designer.
Added text to it through code.
Private ScrollingLabel1 As ScrollingLabel
ScrollingLabel1.Text = "dfdsfds fsd fds f sdf dsf sd fds f sd fsdyu ytu ytutyu yy f sdf sdf sd fds ff"
Also added this to Activity_Resume
ScrollingLabel1.Text = ScrollingLabel1.Text
My problem is that the text scrolls for 2-3 seconds, showing 75% of the text, then it starts over again.
It does not scroll the full text.
Is there a limit in number of characters it can show?
Is there a solution?