In a background app,I can use hk.new1("form1",false,true,true) to catch the keypress event of the hardware keys,as we all know.
in sub hk_HardKeyPressed,I want to catch hk.Key1 pressed,I can wtire this :
Select hk.KeyPressed
case hk.Key1
msgbox("Key1 was pressed")
ens select
so,when user pressed key1,he will get a message "key1 was pressed" and the default action assigned to key1(for example :run note.exe) would be canceled,but what I need is,how can I do this like this:
Select hk.KeyPressed
case hk.Key1
if checkbox1.checked=true then
msgbox("Key1 was pressed")
(run the default app asigned to key1)
ens select
in sub hk_HardKeyPressed,I want to catch hk.Key1 pressed,I can wtire this :
Select hk.KeyPressed
case hk.Key1
msgbox("Key1 was pressed")
ens select
so,when user pressed key1,he will get a message "key1 was pressed" and the default action assigned to key1(for example :run note.exe) would be canceled,but what I need is,how can I do this like this:
Select hk.KeyPressed
case hk.Key1
if checkbox1.checked=true then
msgbox("Key1 was pressed")
(run the default app asigned to key1)
ens select