B4J Question Splitpane


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Hi All,

I have created a base layout as suggested by Erel with a large pane anchored to all sides.
I load two vertical layouts one on the left and one on the right both occupying 1/2 the screen each.
The left layout is pretty much static but the right layout is either blank or has a different layout depending on selections on the left.

My questions are:
1) How do you remove the layout on the right to leave it blank or do you load a blank layout to replace it and how do you specify where to load on the right of the screen?
2) Does loading a layout replace the existing layout or does it load it on top?

Hope this is some what clear.



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Should this be Panel.RemoveNodeFromParent?

When I do this to remove a layout I can't load another layout in its place.

Process I am using: (not full code just example)

1) Form.RootPane.LoadLayout("MainForm") 'Form with SplitPane
2) SplitPane.LoadLayout("LeftPane") 'has pane "pnlLeft"
3) SplitPane.LoadLayout("RightPane") 'has pane "pnlRight"


NewLyt has a Button 'btnClose'

5) Sub btnClose
End Sub

When I try to load NewLyt again nothing happens.

What am I doing wrong?

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Run the app and select 'About' from help menu.

press the close button and try to open the 'About' again.

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