Android Question StartAtBoot doesn't display panel


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I make #StartAtBoot: True and StartActivity("Main") in the Starter service module and Activity.LoadLayout("Main") in the Main module which just loads a panel. When I run the App the panel loads OK but when I close the App and reboot the device the App runs but does not display the panel. What am I missing? Here's the simple zip file.


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1. Are you testing it in release mode?
2. Make sure not to kill the app as it will prevent it from starting (don't swipe it from the recent apps list).
3. Try to use CallSubPlus to show the activity after a few seconds.
Thanks Erel.
1. I am running in release mode.
2. I close (in the list of running Apps) the App before restarting the device.
3. While reviewing CallSubPlus approach I came across NJDude's post which works perfectly for me. For me, this is, I think a simpler approach?
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