SQLite doesn't have SQTR as a standard function, so you would normally do this in code.
There is a way though to do this in SQL with a CTE:
There is a way though to do this in SQL with a CTE:
strSQL = "update Table1 set xValue = (" & _
"with Guesses(FindRootOf, " & _
"guessRoot) as (" & _
"select xValue, " & _
"case when xValue < 0 then null else xValue / 2.0 end " & _
"union " & _
"select FindRootOf, " & _
"(GuessRoot + FindRootOf / GuessRoot) / 2.0 As NewGuessRoot " & _
"from Guesses " & _
"where GuessRoot > 0.0) " & _
"select GuessRoot " & _
"from Guesses " & _
"order by abs(GuessRoot * GuessRoot - FindRootOf) limit 1)"
This is about 4x faster than taking the values with a select statement, taking the SQRT in B4A code and
updating the new value back.