How could i send a simple string over tcp to a local tcp server ?
i had made this simple tcp server script using Autoit
this will show the first string that will be received by my PC on port 403
how can i send the string "hi" using b4a to port "403" and ip "" ?
any ideas how to do it as simple as possible ?
i had made this simple tcp server script using Autoit
$listen = TCPListen(@IPAddress1,403)
$accept = TCPAccept($listen)
Until $accept <> -1
$recive = TCPRecv($accept,10000000)
Until $recive <> ""
this will show the first string that will be received by my PC on port 403
how can i send the string "hi" using b4a to port "403" and ip "" ?
any ideas how to do it as simple as possible ?