B4A Library TDDButils Database Management for SQlite and SQLiteCipher

Name: TDDBUtils
Type: b4a, b4xlib
Version: 1
(C): TechDoc G. Becker Royalty Free for Personally/Commercial use for B4X Board Members

This additional B4A library makes the live of standard Database Management for SQLite (unencrypted) and SQLiteCipher (encrypted) Databases a little bit easier. You no longer have to learn the SQL Language. At this beginning the lib covers some of the most common actions to insert/update/select/delete rows from the database table.
Table Joins are not included.

  • Download the SQLCipher library from the Forum. Download here.
  • I recommend to create, modify or encryt a SQLCipher or SQLite Database on your PC download, install and use the free App 'DB Browser'. Download here.

  • Open/Close Database (SQlite 3 or SQLiteCipher 4)
  • Insert/Update/Delete records
  • Save records (automatic insert or update)
  • Select records by condition
  • Select distinct records by condition
  • Select records by operand and date
  • Select records between 2 dates
  • Select records by date +/- nDays, nMonth, nYears
  • Get all database table names
  • Get column information of a database table
  • Check if a record exists
  • Check if column has a Null Value if yes return empty string or 0
  • Set database compact/compress mode
  • Activate database compacting/compressing

Development Plan:
  • Add Feature Export/Import Table Data to/from file
  • Add Feature ..... whished by Forum Members

  • Copy TDDButils.b4xlib to your additional libraries folder
  • In your Project activate the libs SQL, SQLCipher, TDDButils

  • Examin attached TDDButils.bas file
  • Examin attached TDDButilsProject (B4A)

Information and Examples::
    ' This example uses an encrypted Database SQLiteCipher
    ' Please install and activate SQL, SQLCipher libs (both!) and TDDButils
    ' The Table Test is loaded with 4 rows with default values
    ' Initialize variables, open database connection
    ' if Cipher=True DB object=SQLite
    ' if Cipher=False DB object=SQLCipher
    ' get table info=TDButils.TableInfo(list)
    ' get column info= TDButils.ColumnInfo (map), key=ColumnName, Value as type TColInfo
    ' Parameter: DBName, TableName, is Cipher, Password / All case sensitive!
    ' returns true if initialized
    ' Notice! This is the 1st step to use TDDButils features!
    If TDDButils.initialize("Test.db","Test",True,"Test") Then
        ' ## TDDBUtils Variables:
        ' ## You have access to this TDDBUtils Variables:
        ' ## TDDButils.ColumnInfo (MAP) holding Column Info
        ' ## TDDButils.ColumnValues (MAP) holding COlumn Values
        ' ## TDDButils.DatabaseName the name of the active Database
        ' ## TDDButils.SQLCipher the SQLipher Database object
        ' ## TDDButils.SQLite the SQLite Database object
        ' ## TDDButils.TableInfo (List) holding Tablenames

        ' Function EXAMPLES:
        ' set TestNo Value to perform the requested test
        ' Notice! If you set the column name that contains a space in the WhereValue than
        ' enclosuer it with [brackets].
        Dim TestNo As Int = 1
        Select TestNo
            Case 1
                ' ## show Table name of database
                Log("Tables: " & TDDButils.TableInfo) ' (List)
            Case 2
                ' ## show column info of test table
                ' ##  Column Info, Keys=ColName, Value as type TColInf
                Log("Columns Test table: " & TDDButils.ColumnInfo)' (Map)
            Case 3
                ' ## show info of one column
                Dim CInfo As TColInfo
                 CInfo = TDDButils.ColumnInfo.get("ColText")
                Log("CINFO: " & CInfo)
            Case 4
                ' ## get max/min/average/sum value of all columns 'ColInteger'
            Case 5
                ' ## get row count
                Log(TDDButils.countValue("ColInteger","ColText LIKE 'Text%'"))
            Case 6      
                ' ## check if a column value is Null
                ' assume we have a populate resultset 'resSet'
                ' TDDButils.checkNull(resSet.getString("ColText")))
            Case 7
                ' ## set databasecompact mode
            Case 8
                ' ## compact/compress Database
                ' ## setDBcompactMode befor call
            Case 9
                ' ## select rows >= startDate and <= endDate
                ' ## Parameter: Colname, startDate,endDate,nDays,nMonth,nYears
                ' ## set Date Format = yyyy-MM-dd leave rest of Parameter = 0
                Dim rs As ResultSet = TDDButils.dateDifference( _
            Case 10  
                ' ## select rows >= startdate and +- nDays, nMonth, nYears
                ' ## Parameter: Colname, startDate,endDate,nDays,nMonth,nYears
                ' ## leave endDate empty
                Dim rs As ResultSet = TDDButils.dateDifference("Date", _
            Case 11
                ' ## select rows by operand and startdate
                ' ## Parameter: Colname, startDate, Operand like '<'
                ' ## leave endDate empty
                Dim rs As ResultSet = TDDButils.dateFromTo("Date", _
            Case 12      
                ' ## check if record exists
                ' ## if yes count of rows is returned
                ' ## if no count of rows = 0
            Case 13
                ' ## set column values
                ' ## key=column name, Value as Value
            Case 14
                ' ## insert a new record
                ' ## set TDDButils.ColumnValues (map) before call
            Case 15
                ' ## update record by condition
                ' ## set TDDButils.ColumnValues (map) befor call
            Case 16
                ' ## check if record exists if yes do update if no do insert
                ' ## set TDDButils.ColumnValues (map) before call
            Case 17
                ' ## simple select rows by condition
                ' ## returns result set or null if not found
                Dim rs As ResultSet =TDDButils.selectRecord("*","ColText='Text1'")
            Case 18
                ' ## select distinct rows by condition
                Dim rs As ResultSet =TDDButils.selectRecordDistinct("*","ColText LIKE 'Text%'")
            Case 19
                ' ## Delete a row (no confirmation request included!)
                xui.Msgbox2Async("Delete Record?","Confirmation requested","OK","","Cancel",Null)
                If xui.DialogResponse_Positive Then
                End If
            Case 20
                ' ## close Database
        End Select


  • TDDButils.b4xlib
    3.2 KB · Views: 324
  • TDDButils.bas
    17.3 KB · Views: 329
  • TDDBUtilsProject.zip
    183.5 KB · Views: 343


Licensed User
Longtime User
I know you are focusing on what your lib can do, but the way you are running your example now: Every time you want to execute an option, you have to change the CASE number in the code and run it. It is better if you create an xCLV that has the options numbers/descriptions and in the item click select the one clicked to be executed:
For i = 1 To 20
        Dim cs As CSBuilder
        cs.Alignment("ALIGN_CENTER").Append("Option " & i).Append(CRLF).Image(LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "de.png"), 200dip, 100dip, False).Append(CRLF).PopAll
        CustomListView1.AddTextItem(cs, i)
        CustomListView1.GetPanel(i-1).SetColorAndBorder(xui.Color_Transparent, 4dip, xui.Color_Black, 10dip)
Sub CustomListView1_ItemClick (Index As Int, Value As Object)
    Dim TestNo As Int = Value
    Select TestNo
        Case 1
            ' ## show Table name of database
            Log("Tables: " & TDDButils.TableInfo) ' (List)
        Case 2
            ' ## show column info of test table
            ' ##  Column Info, Keys=ColName, Value as type TColInf
            Log("Columns Test table: " & TDDButils.ColumnInfo)' (Map)
        Case 3
            ' ## show info of one column
'rest of options
End Sub
Or even better than using option1, option2,etc is put the options descriptions in a list and and use their indexes to trigger the item click.


Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi, thanks for this library.

Is there is a significant loss performance compared to direct insert operations for about 10K records on a table?