Name: TDDBUtils
Type: b4a, b4xlib
Version: 1
(C): TechDoc G. Becker Royalty Free for Personally/Commercial use for B4X Board Members
This additional B4A library makes the live of standard Database Management for SQLite (unencrypted) and SQLiteCipher (encrypted) Databases a little bit easier. You no longer have to learn the SQL Language. At this beginning the lib covers some of the most common actions to insert/update/select/delete rows from the database table.
Table Joins are not included.
Development Plan:
Type: b4a, b4xlib
Version: 1
(C): TechDoc G. Becker Royalty Free for Personally/Commercial use for B4X Board Members
This additional B4A library makes the live of standard Database Management for SQLite (unencrypted) and SQLiteCipher (encrypted) Databases a little bit easier. You no longer have to learn the SQL Language. At this beginning the lib covers some of the most common actions to insert/update/select/delete rows from the database table.
Table Joins are not included.
- Download the SQLCipher library from the Forum. Download here.
- I recommend to create, modify or encryt a SQLCipher or SQLite Database on your PC download, install and use the free App 'DB Browser'. Download here.
- Open/Close Database (SQlite 3 or SQLiteCipher 4)
- Insert/Update/Delete records
- Save records (automatic insert or update)
- Select records by condition
- Select distinct records by condition
- Select records by operand and date
- Select records between 2 dates
- Select records by date +/- nDays, nMonth, nYears
- Get all database table names
- Get column information of a database table
- Check if a record exists
- Check if column has a Null Value if yes return empty string or 0
- Set database compact/compress mode
- Activate database compacting/compressing
Development Plan:
- Add Feature Export/Import Table Data to/from file
- Add Feature ..... whished by Forum Members
- Copy TDDButils.b4xlib to your additional libraries folder
- In your Project activate the libs SQL, SQLCipher, TDDButils
- Examin attached TDDButils.bas file
- Examin attached TDDButilsProject (B4A)
Information and Examples::
' This example uses an encrypted Database SQLiteCipher
' Please install and activate SQL, SQLCipher libs (both!) and TDDButils
' The Table Test is loaded with 4 rows with default values
' Initialize variables, open database connection
' if Cipher=True DB object=SQLite
' if Cipher=False DB object=SQLCipher
' get table info=TDButils.TableInfo(list)
' get column info= TDButils.ColumnInfo (map), key=ColumnName, Value as type TColInfo
' Parameter: DBName, TableName, is Cipher, Password / All case sensitive!
' returns true if initialized
' Notice! This is the 1st step to use TDDButils features!
If TDDButils.initialize("Test.db","Test",True,"Test") Then
' ## TDDBUtils Variables:
' ## You have access to this TDDBUtils Variables:
' ## TDDButils.ColumnInfo (MAP) holding Column Info
' ## TDDButils.ColumnValues (MAP) holding COlumn Values
' ## TDDButils.DatabaseName the name of the active Database
' ## TDDButils.SQLCipher the SQLipher Database object
' ## TDDButils.SQLite the SQLite Database object
' ## TDDButils.TableInfo (List) holding Tablenames
' Function EXAMPLES:
' set TestNo Value to perform the requested test
' Notice! If you set the column name that contains a space in the WhereValue than
' enclosuer it with [brackets].
Dim TestNo As Int = 1
Select TestNo
Case 1
' ## show Table name of database
Log("Tables: " & TDDButils.TableInfo) ' (List)
Case 2
' ## show column info of test table
' ## Column Info, Keys=ColName, Value as type TColInf
Log("Columns Test table: " & TDDButils.ColumnInfo)' (Map)
Case 3
' ## show info of one column
Dim CInfo As TColInfo
CInfo = TDDButils.ColumnInfo.get("ColText")
Log("CINFO: " & CInfo)
Case 4
' ## get max/min/average/sum value of all columns 'ColInteger'
Case 5
' ## get row count
Log(TDDButils.countValue("ColInteger","ColText LIKE 'Text%'"))
Case 6
' ## check if a column value is Null
' assume we have a populate resultset 'resSet'
' TDDButils.checkNull(resSet.getString("ColText")))
Case 7
' ## set databasecompact mode
Case 8
' ## compact/compress Database
' ## setDBcompactMode befor call
Case 9
' ## select rows >= startDate and <= endDate
' ## Parameter: Colname, startDate,endDate,nDays,nMonth,nYears
' ## set Date Format = yyyy-MM-dd leave rest of Parameter = 0
Dim rs As ResultSet = TDDButils.dateDifference( _
Case 10
' ## select rows >= startdate and +- nDays, nMonth, nYears
' ## Parameter: Colname, startDate,endDate,nDays,nMonth,nYears
' ## leave endDate empty
Dim rs As ResultSet = TDDButils.dateDifference("Date", _
Case 11
' ## select rows by operand and startdate
' ## Parameter: Colname, startDate, Operand like '<'
' ## leave endDate empty
Dim rs As ResultSet = TDDButils.dateFromTo("Date", _
Case 12
' ## check if record exists
' ## if yes count of rows is returned
' ## if no count of rows = 0
Case 13
' ## set column values
' ## key=column name, Value as Value
Case 14
' ## insert a new record
' ## set TDDButils.ColumnValues (map) before call
Case 15
' ## update record by condition
' ## set TDDButils.ColumnValues (map) befor call
Case 16
' ## check if record exists if yes do update if no do insert
' ## set TDDButils.ColumnValues (map) before call
Case 17
' ## simple select rows by condition
' ## returns result set or null if not found
Dim rs As ResultSet =TDDButils.selectRecord("*","ColText='Text1'")
Case 18
' ## select distinct rows by condition
Dim rs As ResultSet =TDDButils.selectRecordDistinct("*","ColText LIKE 'Text%'")
Case 19
' ## Delete a row (no confirmation request included!)
xui.Msgbox2Async("Delete Record?","Confirmation requested","OK","","Cancel",Null)
If xui.DialogResponse_Positive Then
End If
Case 20
' ## close Database
End Select