Two new language features in the next version


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Basic4android v2.20 will include two new language features that will help with writing "cleaner" code:
- Declaration and assignment in the same line:
Dim h As String = "Hello"
'The value expression can be located before or after the type.
'This code is also valid:
Dim i1 = 1, i2 = 2, i3 = 3 As Int

- For Each block. A simpler way to iterate over all values in a collection or array:
'Numbers is a List or array.
For Each n As Int In Numbers
 Sum = Sum + n

For Each v As View In Activity
 If v Is Label Then
  Dim lbl As Label = v
  lbl.TextSize = 20
 End If

'Disable several buttons:
For Each b As Button In Array As Button(btn1, btn2, btn3, btn4, btn5)
 b.Enabled = False


Well-Known Member
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Excellent work Erel.

Now for the next big one

With labelName
. etc .....
End With

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Active Member
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Longtime User
Excellent work Erel.

Now for the next big one

With labelName
. etc .....
End With


'With' would be nice, 'Using' (and direct disposing after end using) perhaps even more, memory wise...
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