Hello everyone 
As you may know Unity3d is the biggest and most known game development platform.
It allows the developer to create a 3d game by importing assets either from 3d max or any other assets creator.
The problem is that this game engine only uses c# and Java, a lot of developers (me included) are asking this engine to include VB but it's just not happening.
If you search Unity3d VB in Google you will get 1 million+ results.
So here is what am thinking, what if my team and I started developing plug-ins and assets to be built in this engine to force it to work with b4x? And only b4x meaning every single developer that is looking to use this engine with VB he/she will have to learn b4x which means a really great marketing method.
*I know b4x is not purely VB but it uses almost the same syntax.
I think showing the world how powerful b4x is by doing this Because it will also target the game creators
As you may know Unity3d is the biggest and most known game development platform.
It allows the developer to create a 3d game by importing assets either from 3d max or any other assets creator.
The problem is that this game engine only uses c# and Java, a lot of developers (me included) are asking this engine to include VB but it's just not happening.
If you search Unity3d VB in Google you will get 1 million+ results.
So here is what am thinking, what if my team and I started developing plug-ins and assets to be built in this engine to force it to work with b4x? And only b4x meaning every single developer that is looking to use this engine with VB he/she will have to learn b4x which means a really great marketing method.
*I know b4x is not purely VB but it uses almost the same syntax.
I think showing the world how powerful b4x is by doing this Because it will also target the game creators