I have purchased and installed enterprise.
I have set paths to javac.exe and android.jar (v12).
I have modified tabhost example (see code below) to start building a program that finds my USB device (vendorID 1240 productID 63).
From what I gather from 11289-android-usb-host-tutorial-adbtest.html#post63117, I should be able to call FindAdbDevice from Sub btnNext1_Click.
Problem is that I get a compile error :
Error description: Unknown type: usbrequest
Are you missing a library reference?
Occurred on line: 106
Sub Connection_NewData (Request As UsbRequest, InDirection As Boolean)
I thought my library problems would disappear when I bought and installed enterprise, what am I missing for compiling?
I know there are other errors in my code but I figure I can debug them if it compiles.
I have set paths to javac.exe and android.jar (v12).
I have modified tabhost example (see code below) to start building a program that finds my USB device (vendorID 1240 productID 63).
From what I gather from 11289-android-usb-host-tutorial-adbtest.html#post63117, I should be able to call FindAdbDevice from Sub btnNext1_Click.
Problem is that I get a compile error :
Error description: Unknown type: usbrequest
Are you missing a library reference?
Occurred on line: 106
Sub Connection_NewData (Request As UsbRequest, InDirection As Boolean)
I thought my library problems would disappear when I bought and installed enterprise, what am I missing for compiling?
I know there are other errors in my code but I figure I can debug them if it compiles.
#Region Module Attributes
#FullScreen: True
#IncludeTitle: False
#ApplicationLabel: TabHost
#VersionCode: 1
#SupportedOrientations: unspecified
#CanInstallToExternalStorage: True
#End Region
Sub Process_Globals
End Sub
Sub Globals
Dim TabHost1 As TabHost
Dim txtName, txtAnimal, txtColor As EditText
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
Dim bmp1, bmp2 As Bitmap
bmp1 = LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "ic.png")
bmp2 = LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "ic_selected.png")
TabHost1.AddTabWithIcon ("Name", bmp1, bmp2, "page1") 'load the layout file of each page
TabHost1.AddTab("Color", "page2")
TabHost1.AddTab("Animal", "page3")
End Sub
Sub Activity_Pause (Finishing As Boolean)
End Sub
Sub Activity_Resume
End Sub
Sub btnNext1_Click
'TabHost1.CurrentTab = 1 'move to next tab
End Sub
Sub btnNext2_Click
TabHost1.CurrentTab = 2 'move to next tab
End Sub
Sub btnDone_Click
Dim sb As StringBuilder
sb.Append("You have entered:").Append(CRLF)
sb.Append("Name: ").Append(txtName.Text).Append(CRLF)
sb.Append("Color: ").Append(txtColor.Text).Append(CRLF)
sb.Append("Animal: ").Append(txtAnimal.Text)
Msgbox(sb.ToString, "")
End Sub
Sub TabHost1_TabChanged
Activity.Title = "Current Tab = " & TabHost1.CurrentTab
End Sub
Sub FindAdbDevice As Boolean
Dim usbdevices() As UsbDevice
usbdevices = manager.GetDevices
'Iterate over devices and find the correct one
For i = 0 To usbdevices.Length - 1
Dim ud As UsbDevice
ud = usbdevices(i)
'Iterate over interfaces
For a = 0 To ud.InterfaceCount - 1
Dim inter As UsbInterface
inter = ud.GetInterface(a)
If inter.vendorid = 1240 AND inter.productid = 63 Then
'found our device and interface
device = ud
interface = inter
'Find correct endpoints
For b = 0 To interface.EndpointCount - 1
Dim endpoint As UsbEndpoint
endpoint = interface.GetEndpoint(b)
If endpoint.Type = manager.USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_BULK Then
If endpoint.Direction = manager.USB_DIR_IN Then
inEndpoint = endpoint
Else If endpoint.Direction = manager.USB_DIR_OUT Then
outEndpoint = endpoint
End If
End If
End If
If device.IsInitialized = False Then Log("ADB device not found.")
If manager.HasPermission(device) = False Then manager.RequestPermission(device)
connection = manager.OpenDevice(device, interface, True)
'Log("Starting connection")
'Dim data(), msg() As Byte
'data = ConvertStringToBytesWith0("host::" & Chr(0))
'msg = CreateMessage(A_CNXN, 0x01000000, 4096, data)
'SendOutRequest("Msg", msg, 24)
'SendOutRequest("Data", data, data.Length)
'SendInRequest(MSG_READ, 24)
End Sub
Sub Connection_NewData (Request As UsbRequest, InDirection As Boolean)
If Connection.IsInitialized = False Then Return 'Might happen after we close the connection
If InDirection = False Then
ReleaseRequest(Request, OutRequests)
Return 'don't handle OUT requests
End If
Dim sendData As Boolean
If Request.Name = MSG_READ Then
Dim raf As RandomAccessFile
raf.Initialize3(Request.Buffer, True)
Dim command As Int
command = raf.ReadInt(0)
If command = A_CNXN OR command = A_WRTE Then
lastCommand = command
SendInRequest(DATA_READ, raf.ReadInt(12)) 'read the data request
sendData = True
DispatchMessage(command, raf.ReadInt(4), "")
End If
Else If Request.Name = DATA_READ Then
Dim s As String
s = BytesToString(Request.Buffer, 0, Request.Buffer.Length, "UTF8")
DispatchMessage(lastCommand,0, s)
End If
If sendData = False AND connection.IsInitialized Then
SendInRequest(MSG_READ, 24)
End If
ReleaseRequest(Request, InRequests)
End Sub